Chapter 26

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Nov, 7th; 7:17pm; Avengers Tower, Mórrígan's Bedroom

"Wake up!" I heard someone yelling, and soon after, water was poured all over me. "HOLY SHIT! WHICH SON OF A BITCH DID THAT?!" "What the-" I jumped up, and wiped away the cold water from my eyes, so I can see the person in front of me.

And of course, it was Barnes. "What was that for?" I asked, extremely annoyed and a little angry. "Steve asked me to wake you up, and you didn't respond instantly." 

"I-" I scoffed, and without saying anything, I ran into my bathroom to clean myself up. James also entered and leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"You look adorable when you're angry." He said with a cheeky smile on his face. "Oh, I'll show you how adorable we are..." Venom growled angry. "Fuck you, Barnes." I responded to the soldier, while using a towel to dry the wet strains of my hair. 

After that, I grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and pulled it over my head. "Jesus Christ-" James exclaimed irritated, and turned around. After all, he has the decency to turn around and to not look. 

"Why did Steve even asked you to wake me up?" I asked, while taking of my pants, which also got a bit wet. After that, I put on the fresh clothes I put out earlier. "Wanda made dinner for the team, and he is putting the dishes on the table." "Okay."

I quickly brushed my hair, before leaving the bathroom and punching James on the right shoulder. "Ouch." He said, and I rolled my eyes, quickly going towards the dining room. The smell of scrambled eggs came towards me and my stomach began to growl. 

"Hey Mórrígan." Pietro came up to me and gave me a quick hug. "Are you okay?" He asked, sounding genuinely worried. "Yeah? Why do you ask?" "Because, you didn't return earlier, after running out of the room." He furrowed his eyebrows, and looked me in the eyes.

"You sure everything is okay?" Pietro asked again, grabbing my chin gently, and I nodded as an answer. "Dinner's ready!" Wanda yelled, while placing the pan on the table. I sat down on my seat, and waited for Pietro to come and sit down next to me. 

But instead of speedy, the winter soldier decided to sit next to me. "That- That's not your seat." I said, and pointed towards the chair, where he usually sits. "Oh really?" He asked sarcastically, and I decided to just let him be. I don't feel like arguing right now.

Bucky's POV:

I entered the kitchen short after Mórrígan, and saw Pietro talking to her. They hugged each other and I don't know why, but it made me mad. Why do I even care? The little crush I had on her, disappeared a while ago... I think.

Without me even noticing, my metal hand formed into a fist and I clenched my jaw. "Everything ok?" Steve suddenly came up to me, and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah." I answered silently. I heard him taking a deep breath, before leaving me alone again.

"Dinner's ready!"  Wanda's voice snapped me out of my thoughts again. I noticed Mórrígan already sitting down, and without hesitating, I grabbed the chair on her right and sat down next to her.

"That- That's not your seat." She said, looking me up and down and sounding irritated. "Oh really?"  I replied, not knowing what else I should say. 

Pietro, looked at me, clearly annoyed, before taking my usual seat. "I hope you like it." Wanda said, after sitting down and grabbing a slice of bread and some butter. I thought about what to eat, and looked over to Mórrígan. 

She herself a toast, with hummus and one with tomato. Then she grabbed a pepper, and seasoned it a bit. That looks good, I thought to my self. 

I waited until she was distracted, and quickly changed our plates. "Barnes, give that back." She held out her hand, her voice sounded threatening, and she also looked like it.

Before she was able to steal the plate back, I took a bite out of both toast and smirked at her. She smiled sarcastically back, and showed me the middle finger, before grabbing the pan and placing some eggs on her plate.

It was silent for a while, until suddenly Wanda spit out her drink. "Venom, don't!" She said, while pointing her finger at Mórrígan.  

"Venom?" Stark asked, looking confused between the two women. "That's - uhm... That is Wanda's nickname for me." Morgan answered, while staring at the witch annoyed. 

"Weird nickname." I said, and took another bite. "Yeah, I know." The whole team stared at her for a few more seconds, before returning to their conversations.

"Do you already know what the two of you are going to cook?" Natasha asked us. "Oh, right. About that-" The weirdo next to me said, and looked down at her plate.

"I actually won't be able to cook tomorrow. I have- plans." "What kind of plans?" Pietro asked curious.

"I will go and pay my father a visit." She said, and everyone got quiet again.  "What?" Tony asked, sounding confused and pretty irritated. "No, you are not going to visit that idiot, who doesn't even care about you." Wanda said, staring at Mórrígan, like a mother, when her child said something stupid. 

"Yes, I will. We will celebrate my mother's birthday for the first time in 3 years." Morgan answered, while playing with her food. "You never told us about your mother." Romanoff said.

"Well, that is not really something I like to talk about." The weirdo mumbled, before jumping up and placing, well actually throwing, the plate in the sink. Then she left without another word.

"Did I say something wrong?" The red head asked, but no one really answered. "I'll go talk to her." Wanda said, before also leaving the room.

A venomous woman,Mórrígan Brock x Bucky Barnes (enemies to more)Where stories live. Discover now