Chapter 3

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The door swung open, and Sam immediately shifted in front of Colby, protecting him from the gaze of their captors. Colby gripped tightly onto Sam's shoulder, more than terrified of what could be coming next, but trying to keep a strong front. The group was smaller this time, the two men with one of the women. She and one of the men held cameras.

"Hey!" Sam barked, "Planning on feeding us any time soon? We could both use something to drink."

A water bottle was chucked at them, and Sam narrowly ducked being hit in the face. "Uh... thanks?" He uncapped the bottle, handing it to Colby to drink first. As Colby struggled not to down the whole thing in one go, the three new people in the room started talking.

"Our client was very pleased with the content you have provided so far," One of the women started, "However, as you both know, good content can't stop."

Colby's heart sank into his stomach. He had a good idea where this was going. "What are you going to make us do this time?" Colby glowered at the group as he passed the water to Sam.

He didn't like the looks that spread over their faces. "Our client though it was... unfair, that you didn't get to cum last video, Mr. Brock," One of the men spoke. "It was requested that this changed."

Ice raced through Colby's veins. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck... He didn't want to orgasm for these people, didn't want to give them that. It just felt... wrong. For all that he had been made to suffer earlier, he had been spared that. "Only if Sam gets to do it," He stated, knowing it was the only thing that would make this tolerable, if even possible. Sam was the only one who he wanted... Colby shut that thought down.

Sam cast him a look, and in it Colby could read his thoughts. Always the one with the face like an open book, Colby could see every emotion passing through Sam's mind. Anger that they were being made to do this, concern for Colby and his desperate need to protect his friend from what others might do, pleading with Colby not to hate him, fear of hurting him, and a quiet resignation that this was what he would have to do.

"Our client always prefers that you two interact over us stepping in," The woman smiled, "So that request can be more than accommodated." Colby sighed in relief. At least there was that. At least he wouldn't have to tolerate them touching him. "We don't need to remind you that any resistance or escape attempts will be met with severe consequences?" She asked, looking at the two of them.

They shook their heads mutely. "Good," One of the other men confirmed, and Colby saw a rather frightening looking device disappear into a pocket. "I imagine you have no interest in being restrained again but we will do this if necessary."

Colby shuddered, nodding. He could still feel the phantom sensation of the cuffs. He would do almost anything to avoid feeling that helpless again.

The woman spoke again. She nailed Sam with a grin. "So Sam, our client requested that you suck him off while fingering him."

Sam's eyes went wide, and Colby felt an answering twinge of pain from his rectum. Fuck. But then something interesting happened. He also felt an interesting sensation, one that almost could have been a twitch of interest had he not been in an place where he was so scared, at the idea of Sam playing with that spot inside of him again.

The sensation had been so foreign, a feeling that intense coming from inside his body. The sudden sensation had made him yell at first, and Colby knew he had spooked Sam. He had just never experienced anything like it. It had started as a really intense sensation, kind of like he had to pee but more, and then Sam had kept rubbing it, and these pulses had started moving through his body, pleasant in a way that had been hard to quantify. It made him want to simultaneously demand that Sam stop and beg him to never.

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