Chapter 12

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"Now be a good boy and don't bite..."

Colby came to still feeling the flesh shoved down his throat.

He gasped in violently, hands flying to his mouth to try to dislodge the occlusion because his lungs were burning and he couldn't fucking breathe.  There was pressure and weight against his side and he kicked out violently, trying to dislodge the thing he could only assume was choking him. 

I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe...

"Ow, fuck!  What the fuck, Colby?" There was a startled yelp from the body he kicked.

Sam?  Sam was still tied up over... Then he remembered.

Air rushed back into his lungs through a throat that was no longer occluded.  He wasn't in the room, he was lying on his back in bed, with Sam... He opened his eyes to his friend staring at him with concern.  Sam's hand was rubbing his side, and Colby put it together.  

He had a nightmare.

And he had kicked Sam.

"Fuck," he breathed out,  feeling absolutely awful, "Dude, I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, bro," Sam assured him quickly, "I tried to wake you up, but uh... that backfired a little bit..."  He chuckled wryly, giving the spot on his side one more rub before removing his hand. 

"Fuck, Sam..." Colby lamented, but his heart was still racing from the dream, could still feel the phantom sensation of something blocking his airway...

Sam read his face and body language almost immediately.  He had gotten so good at that... he caught his eyes, making sure he was aware of him before he moved.  Sam moved forward slowly, touching Colby's face, asking permission silently with his eyes before he kissed him, a permission Colby was more than happy to give. 

Sam's mouth was warm and comforting after the horrors of the nightmare, loving and gentle where the dream had been harsh and violent.  When he felt Sam's tongue brush his lips he knew it was because he wanted it, wanted Sam to be here, feeling him, touching him like this.  This, this kissing?  This was safe, wanted... consensual.

Just like getting Sam off last night had been. 

They had spent the rest of the night tiredly cuddling, Sam still floaty from his orgasm.  Colby knew it had been a while since Sam got off, knew exactly when the last time was, but this wasn't about that.  Watching Sam cum, watching him fall apart because of Colby, because they both wanted it... that had been amazing.  Something Colby had thought that he'd never have with Sam.  Especially after everything they had been forced to do.

Especially because he never thought Sam would actually want him back in that way.

Colby's mind was still trying to grasp the concept that Sam was here with him now, still wanted him now that they were safe. Still wanted him even though he knew he might lose Katrina. 

That had really been the deciding factor for Colby in trusting Sam about this.  Not that he hadn't before, but Sam had reacted so negatively before that he had been afraid to try...  To even think about pursuing this after they got out.

One of Sam's hand still rested on his face, the other had drifted to rest lightly on his chest, stroking lightly over his pecs.  This was okay, he was okay with Sam's hand being there, even with Sam positioned slightly over him, he could still push Sam off if he really needed to, could still lay here and enjoy this knowing that he was safe and that he could get away at any time.

And that Sam would never, of his own free will, force him to do anything.

Colby made a surprised noise when Sam's fingers brushed over his nipples.  Sam stroked the skin, watching his face carefully as Colby processed the sensation.  It was enjoyable, but he was clearly not as sensitive as Sam. Colby shrugged apologetically.  "Not as sensitive as yours, dude."  He reached up to brush a thumb over Sam's, making Sam's abs clench and a whimper emerge before he could control it.  Colby grinned as Sam sent him a halfhearted glare. 

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