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Surrounded by the debris Madisoncreated, she stood alone, confused, lost, and saddened. Rising upfrom her knees, she needed answers. Having nothing or no one aroundher, she held her spot in the rubble with tears streaming down herface. She tiptoed gingerly through the mess, no longer screaming,"What of me?" Madison knew she must pull herself together,because the world around her was not at a standstill. She had nopain from her markings or the powers inside her, so she ventured herfirst few steps through the underground facility she destroyedcollecting around her ankles.

Looking around, the fallen dust stillswirling, she soon saw a few shadows coming from the flattened treelines from the glow of the moon. Scared, but no longer as fearful asshe was minutes ago, she pays attention to the twigs snapping aroundher and focuses on who or what advances toward her. Could it bealiens or the one that made a few encounters with her previously, orwas it more than that...more agents? Lord, no, not more agents.

"Who is there? Please answer me!"Madison yelled.

No answers returned as the shadowsstarted to be more

clear as the closer she walked towardsthem just as they were walking towards her.

"I am not afraid; I just needanswers," Madison stated in a quivering voice.

"You are one of us, aren't you?" aman's voice inquired.

"I am not sure," Madisontrepeditiously replied.

"You have red markings on your body,and you escape harm and danger. If that is what you are then, youare just like us," a female stated.

"Yes. What do you all know that Idon't?" Madison asked.

"We don't have many answers otherthan something has led us to you," the same man claimed.

From all directions, sixteen humansswarmed before her. Madison turned in a full circle taking in eachface in order to do her best to memorize their faces. Still takingprecautions, she found that her body markings began moving in a waywhich hadn't happened unless there seemed to be either danger oralien beings nearing her. It was then that the other people standingbefore her began to lift up their shirts to show that their markingwere moving and glowing—just as her own.

Finding comfort among them, she letdown her guard, slowly moving closer to them, one after another:circles upon circles. Her need for answers grew. Introducingherself, she encouraged them to do the same. She needed trust, andtrust usually leads to information.

"Why did whatever is happening to uslead us to you?" another woman asked.

"I don't know," Madison franklyreplied.

"There must be a reason, and whathave you done here? How are you involved?" another person asked.

Bowing her head and touching her markswith her right hand, she tried remembering and explaining to theothers about what took place at the compound. It was so difficult,because she also had questions for them as well—more questions thananswers. Madison manages the following:

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