Tommy x Male Reader(platonic)

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Reader is a ghost
Angst/mild fluff toward end
Doesn't follow any canonical plot


"Wanna play another round of poker Y/N?"
" thanks M.D but I'm good"
"You sure man? It could distract you from... Everything"
" what don't you ask glatt,I want to see a rematch, don't worry I'll be watching this time"

I ended the sentence with a smile,it wasn't quite fake but there wasn't much effort

"Cool man,but don't zone out again man"
"I'll try not to, it's not my fault that your sometimes boring"
"eey man not so harsh"
"Hehe I'm sorry M.D"
"You and Thomas are so similar it's kinda scary man"
"Hmm? Really?"
" yes man,your just more quiet and slightly less disrespectful... Ay glatt,rematch man"
" Yeaaa man"
"Fine, as long as that dumb cat... Dragon whatever the fuck that thing is doesn't steal my cards again"
"that thing is Novo,leave him alone"
"Weird name"
" your fucking name is glatt"
"Fair,let's play M.D"

I said I'd try my best but I did zone out once or twice during their game,I caught the end though and M.D won

"Ay man you finally got to see who won... Ohh why's that train here man?"
" what train!?"
" the train with dream on"
" Y/N,here please. "

I zoned out with a shocked look toward dream until glatt out his hand in my shoulder and nodded

"Your being revived,get in the train"

I nodded weakly but walked into the train toward dream,novo following my trail. Once I got on it started moving and I started becoming solid and stopped floating

"So dream,why am I being revived?"
" Tommy wasn't dealing well in exile by himself,thought you could help"
" calm down,he almost burnt down George's house. "
"Oh so this is your fault."
" Hmm? Sure,whatever makes you happy. Your stops here"

He pushed me off the train,him following In pursuit along with novo as we walked out the nether portal.

"Dream your back... Y/N? Am I dreaming? First M.D and now you!?"
" he's real tommy,he's here to keep you company"
"Hi tommy"

I smiled. Fake obviously but I didn't notice how Tommy's smile faltered a tad when I did it...

And thats how it started.

My smiling depression...

It only got worse.

So bad that no one saw any other emotion but happiness when In reality I was just numb...

Only Tommy seemed to truly notice,even though he's one of the most obnoxious he's quite observant.

-/N Y/N? You okay? "

Speaking of Tommy

"Hm? Oh yes! Just zoning out again"

S|mπiLi√N¢g :)

"Why'd you do that?"

" do what? "


"fake smiling,I don't understand. You don't have to act around me"

"I don't Tommy"


"You and I both know that's a lie"

"Maybe I'm Afraid of the real me Tommy"


"Well what's the real you?"


"numb. Tommy"
"W-Well maybe I can help"
"Its been like this since my death Tommy... DON'T YOU GET IT!? IT WON'T WORK"







"get out my house."

I walked out the door,my scars burning as I cried hot tears that ran down my face... After awhile I started running,tripping up once or twice, is noticed Eret looking concerned as I ran away... But I didn't notice him following me a few meters behind carrying novo.

Once I got to the beach I say down and looked back noticing, A Eret, B novo and C that him and I were far away from the smp

"Are you okay Y/N?"
" N-No"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
" Yes. "
Novo walked toward me and rubbed his head under my hand as Eret walked over to me and say down.


"I think you need to explain to Tommy that what's happening can't be fixed that fast. Explain that you want him to help but it's hard to let him in"
"You've always been so nice and supporting Eret, I don't know how you do it genuinely"
" only to a few,your like a brother to me Y/N"
"thank you."
" let's head back,you can stay at mine tonight. Maybe you'll talk to Tommy tomorrow? "
"Yea... Tomorrows a new day,right?"
" of course,now let's head back before it rains"

- Credit to artists -

Dream Smp x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now