Wilbur x Male Reader

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Kristin portrayed as lady death
Reader is assistant to lady death
Reader has wings
Doesn't follow canon plot


This new fucking passenger is pissing me off, he's cocky as shit and arrogant as hell

"Please sir, just eat for fucks sake"
" You may be dead but you still need to eat "
"And what would happen if I don't? I mean I can't die again"
" you'll feel the pain of death"
"Ha! Fucking loser"

He's annoying as shit. I sat in the back of the train and waited a while, looking at him through some cameras lady death has someone install, fuck knows who did it but I mean they work well. He was rushing around clearly trying to find a way out

"Your a bitch, a huge fucking bitch! TRAIN PERSON!?"
" what? "
" at the rate your going, you won't actually get off"
"What's wrong sir?"
" your stupid, I hate you, fuck off, your shit, I'll burn down this train!!"

I was used to insults like this but I felt like I was about to explode with rage, what I didn't expect though was for Lady death, who I know as Krisin, to come out the speakers sounding very angry but trying to hide it with a straight face.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way. This gentlemen can have you escorted to a private compartment where you can stay for the rest of your journey. There will be a letter on the desk, feel free to answer it to your own measure"


"Go on Y/N"
" I said I'd have a gentlemen escort him there, go on"
"But I... I don't like him"
"Exactly, now go"

I walked into the compartment, expecting Wilbur to punch me, but to my surprise he looked confused.

"Ah, sorry about that"
"Hm? Oh now your sorry?"
"I didn't know you were..."
" Okay? Moving on, you feeling alright? Your burning up pretty bad"
"No I'm fine, I just didn't know you were the son of lady death"
"I mean I'm not but what can be expected when you can't choose your own titles"
"Wait, your actually not?"
" No, I'm her assistant who wears a similar hat, I have black wings and I know Krisin and Philza well even though I don't get the chance to see him often, honestly what can I expect? "
"That's fair"
"Y'know, you seem interesting, I'd like to know you better Wilbur"

And that's how I dedicated thirteen and a half years to the same man, after that amount of time you really get attached

I woke up and looked around, me and Wilbur normally stayed in the same room, so it confused me when I didn't see him anywhere, I searched around the next few rooms over and didn't see any sign of him, I was scared so I decided to go see if Krisin knew where he was

" Yea? "
"Where's Wilbur?"
" he got revived hun"
" calm down, he got revived, why were you asking? "
"Send me down please"
" as a human"
"Y/N your not thinking, what your implying is to make you human therefore you can't come back, you wouldn't do that all for him would you?"
" I would and I will, please kristin "
"What if he dies again? Your stuck in earth till you die too"
"kristin, please... You broke the rules to see Phil"
" please kristin? "
"... Fine, but don't complain to me when you realise you didn't want it"
"Thank you Kristin, and I promise I won't regret it, besides I've known him for thirteen years. You think I'd be that stupid?"
" very well Y/N, you'll wake up in the l'manberg ruins, you have your compass do you not? "
"I've got it yea!"
" and your headed to Phil's "
"That's where he is?"
" Yep, bye Y/N"
"Bye Kristin!"


When I woke up I felt weird, I mean I thought I knew what it felt like to be human but this is weird. I looked a bit different too, I still had my wings but I had a few scratches and scars on my face. I got up and dusted myself off before checking my compass, flying off once I knew where I was going. The scenery was amazing around here, even the things that were blown up looked beautiful as nature took over it. Once I got to the nether portal however I regretted that statement, I mean it didn't look to bad but it still looked shit. Once I got back out the portal I made sure my wings were above the snow as I didn't want snow all over them. After a few minutes I found the houses I was looking for, I knocked on the door and Phil answered it, looking at me confused before he realised

"What happened?"
"Funny story, can I come inside?"
"Of course mate"

I walked inside and sat down

"Where's Wilbur?"
"In Las Nevadas, why?"
"Good, I need to talk to you before he gets back"
"I didn't even know you knew him"
"I do"

I explained it all to him and he seemed confused but soon smiled at me

"I mean, if that's what you wanted to do mate, though your still a god"
"I mean surly the wings showed that, Kristin just made you a demi god, you can go back whenever the fuck you want"
"Then why did kristin get annoyed about it?"
"She wasn't actually, she wanted to make sure you meant it, she wanted to make sure you cared enough to give it all up"
"I guess that makes sense"
"Yea, it does"
"Phil, I'm back, am I interrupting something?"

I ran up to how and hugged him, he seemed very confused and left the hug

"Who are you?"
"Are you fucking serious Wilbur, your so blind"
"What do you expect Phil, I don't know your friends"
"It's Y/N mate"
"Wait... Y/N"

He took a better look at me before bringing me into another hug

"But why are you here? We talked about this, you said you couldn't come here?"
"I couldn't, I gave up some power for it"
"WHAT!? Why would you do that!?"
"For you Wilbur, I missed you way too fucking much"
"Fine, Phil we can keep Y/N here right?"
"Course, just don't try anything in this house"
"You both know what I mean"

Me and Wilbur just blushed and laughed nervously, I guess this will be my life for while now



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