Fundy x Male Reader

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Reader is a wolf hybrid and has markings
Doesn't follow any canonical plot


I was wondering through the forest, I heard Fundy comes out here sometimes and I wanted to scare him... Unless he's doing weird things, I wouldn't be surprised if he joined a cult. He seemed to be wearing an unpleasant face, he probably got injured by a berry Bush or something simular... I wander if he's been hiding something maybe a secret room? Or a creepy basement! Or even a secret hideout... Honestly all of those are possible but I don't quite know the answer...

"So Tommy, remind me again why I wanted to make a bet with you."
" oh y'know... You wouldn't want  Y/N to find out your a villain, would you Fundy? "
"... What do you propose then tommy... Since it seems I have no other choice."

I noticed Tommy looking directly where I was, I knew he was pretty smart but I wasn't aware he was observant... Maybe he's not, maybe it's a coincidence but... Fundy can't be a villain, can he? I mean I've known him for so long and he seems so kind... I should back home, clear my head...



"Hey hun, how was your day?"
" it was great Fundy, yours? "
"... Busy, can I have a hug?"
" Course"

We hugged for awhile and I noticed Fundy giving me the 'what's wrong' glare, he might notice that something's off...

"Are you alright love?"
" Hmm... Yea, just tired"
"You sure?"

I just nodded and got up and headed toward the kitchen but in a swift motion I was cornered by Fundy

"Tell me what's wrong."
" It's nothing, in just tired"
"You don't act like this when your tired."
" just drop it Fundy "
"No, I won't. What's wrong?"
" just leave me alone"

I escaped out his grasp and headed toward a forest, I know a certain someone who will be out there and willing to help me...



"So what do you propose I do Wilbur?"
" well, I think that this information doesn't change anything, I mean think of it like this. I'm a villain and you have think no different if me, you even see me as a brotherly figure correct? "
"I mean ye-"
"and you see him as a romantic interest, surely if you see me no different and you know Fundy well, nothing should change"
"So do I say anything or?"
" keep quiet, you don't want to cause trouble if he's keeping it secret... And try not to act different, I know you can't keep secrets"
"Right... Right, thanks again Wilbur"
" always a pleasure to help you out"

I was walking home after my eventful talk with wil, he'd been busy since last week so I never got a chance to talk beforehand... I know Fundy's noticed my behaviour but I can't tell him. He'd know I followed him and think I'm a creep... But I can't keep it from him forever...

"H-Hey Fundy?"
" Hm? Oh Y/N, what's up... In sorry for last night, you just seemed off"
"Oh it's alright, I wanted to talk to you today anyway"
"Oh, uh sure! Let's go inside"


"Fundy, I know your a 'villain' but I don't see you any different"
" so you figured it out? "
"Thank god, I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep that from you"
"Haha, it's all good. One talk with a wise brother of mine made me realise that your the same no matter what"
"I'll have to thank wil later, So how about a hug"
"Haha sure you cute teddy bear"

We lied down in front of the fire wrapped in a blanket nicely while Fundy played with my hair... Not much of a surprise that we passed out not long after, this week sure has been eventful...

- Credit to artists -

- Sorry its a bit rushed, I've been so tired recently that this is the only time I haven't been one long blink away from passing out, I hope you guys still enjoy it all the same though -

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