PT1 (platonic)SBI x Child Reader

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They / Them pronouns
Piglin reader
Reader is in their early teens
Sbi & Royalty au

Abusive Phil
(I feel the events are worthy of a trigger because some people have/had bad families and have some problems with that - which I understand because I had yelly parents and now I get panic attacks when people yell - )

Angst time children.

Y/n pov

I was sat, watching over the forest that sat behind the wall I was sat on, we had neighbouring kingdoms and we're not on good terms. We have a forest that sits in between but no one really goes there, it's a shame but it keeps its natural look because no one is there to litter. The kingdom over is called the Green Kingdom, ours is called the Minecraft kingdom, after my dad, Philza Minecraft

I lied down, my ears twitching as I yawned, starting to doze off to sleep




Third pov

As Y/n slept on the wall they rolled, falling off the edge into the forest, only opening their eyes for a split second before closing them again, afraid

But to their surprise they didn't feel the impact of the ground, instead someone caught them, their Quiver hitting the person as they landed, bow falling out along with a camera

The boy carefully put Y/n down before going to pick up their stuff, checking they weren't broken before giving them back

"You alright?"
"Yeah, why are you out here? No ones ever out here, it's not allowed"
"I was hunting"

The other child known as Dream wore a much more casual outfit to Y/n, a green Hoodie with black Joggers, the only thing sticking out being his white mask that had a smile etched onto it

"Well I'm not supposed to be here, my dad would kill if he found me here, what you doing here though king?"
"I'm a prince actually, how could you tell?"

In reality Y/n knew it was a stupid question but asked to see why he knew

"The cloak gives you away, you can tell it's expensive, and it's red, usually an omen of the Minecraft kingdom... oh and the gold"
"Hm fair enough, do you play games or anything out here?"
"I play manhunt with some friends sometimes but not really much else"
"Okay, well I'm gonna go climb that tree over there, care to join?"

Y/n and Dream didn't notice but they'd spent hours here, just talking and hanging out, they're Siblings, parents and friends alike wouldn't be happy...

Y/n pov

I looked out at the sunset in the distance, laughing lightly at Dream's joke before it clocked in my mind

"The sunset..."

Dream looked at me confused too, realising what it meant but it was too late as I heard my father's voice call out, and he was not happy


One of the voices sounded glitchy, I was confused until I realised it was XD, the king of the Green Kingdom. I jumped up and out the tree, trying to walk away from Dream but Phil was stood right in front of me

"We're going home."
"Shut it Y/n. I don't want to hear your shit."

I stayed silent as he held on to me, flying me home, he wouldn't yell at me in the public eye... Only Techno would help me from what's to happen but... he's been gone for a while now, hasn't been back in almost a year now and Phil's gotten stressed, it'll probably make him yelling worse.

Once we got in he threw me to the floor and I hit my head on the marble, grabbing the place where it hurt, wincing mildly.

"You know young man, I know you didn't mean to do it but we need to make sure you don't do it again."
"No please dad-"
"Don't dad me after what you've done."
"But please I don't wanna go there-"
"Well you should've thought about it beforehand, shouldn't you!?"

He grabbed me by my hair and started pulling me into the basement, I felt a scream build up in my throat but I didn't want Tommy or Wilbur to see me in pain, I just stuck with it and tried to make it hurt less by pulling the hair he grabbed toward me, giving it room to be less constricting.

Wilbur pov

"I heard dad yelling again"
"I know Tommy"
"Will we go help Y/n again?"
"Maybe Tommy"
"Why'd you keep saying my name?"
"It's nothing"

I was sat reading my book, zoning out as Tommy spoke to me



"Dad I didn't mean too!"
"But you still did! And with Tommy for God's sake. Your lucky I don't put you in there yourself."
"Why don't you like Y/n, what did they do? WHY DO YOU ONLY DO THIS TO THEM!?"

He slapped me in the face and I fell to the floor, my ears buzzing heavily as I struggled to breathe

"don't you DARE use Kristin's name like that."


"Y/n's in the basement again"
"I know, I heard you"
"We'll go see him right?"
"Wrong pronouns and... well Tommy..."


"Is this why you were in pain? Phil did that? You said it was bad people"
"And for the most part, It is"
"But can we still go, I'll stay with you and if he goes to hurt you I'll get in the way
"No Tommy it's alright, just don't"

He sat closer to me and asked again, whispering this time

"Can we go?"
"Mh hm"

I nodded at him and we planned on how to help them out, whispering because Tommy noticed a certain figure looming in the hallway, listening in...




- Credit To Artists -

Dream Smp x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now