Chapter 2

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"How am I going to accomplish these things when my parents are going to be with me 24/7?" Iris asked, pacing around the room with both her hands on her hips.

"You'll figure it out, Ris. You're a smartie pants. After all, you always bury yourself in books and they said books makes us wiser." Amanda laid on her side, backing Iris who had been mumbling things under her breath.

"Now I see why you're not wise." Iris teased and earned a middle finger from her friend.

"You should get some sleep."

"Not when I'm leaving tomorrow!" Maris whisper yelled at Amanda.

"What do you mean." Amanda craned her neck to see her best friend staring bullets at her. "Isn't that why you should be resting?"

"No! We should be having fun, Mandy." Iris' face brightened up as she clapped silently.

"Ugh! After all the packing we did." Amanda groaned, putting a pillow over her face. "My back hurts."

"I could get my chef to help you with that."

Amanda quickly pulled the pillow away from her face and sat up with her mouth hung open in disbelief.

"Bitch!" Amanda threw the white pillow at Iris. It only hit a small part of her leg and crashed to the floor.

Iris picked and dusted the pillow with a small frown crawling up her face.

"It's white!" Iris whined, feeling the honey she had applied on her face drying off. "And I need to wash this off."

"Why do you even do that?" Mandy asked, popping her knuckles as she scrunched her face up.

"So my skin would keep glowing and be as smooth as a baby's bum." Replied Iris, making her way into the bathroom and turning on the sink.

The sound of Amanda putting off the lights drew Iris'attention and somehow reminded her of the question she had asked Mandy earlier.

"What am I going to do, Mandy?" Iris questioned, grabbing a towel and rubbing her face in it before hanging it back. "Mandy?"

Iris called her best friend's name multiple times, but stopped when she heard soft snores escaping Mandy's lips.

"Jerk." Iris rolled her eyes and got under the blanket. She thought maybe she could day dream for a while so she laid on her back and stared at the ceiling. "Goodnight Mandy. Hello adventure."

The sides of her lips twitched into a smile. Slowly, her eyes closed.


"Wake up, bitch!" Mandy shook Iris and a sour expression rested on her face as she was one of a hundred people that hated when their sleep was being disturbed. "Get that creepy smile off your face."

"What creepy smile?" Iris sleep asked as she tried her best to push Mandy away.

"The one you had, probably dreaming about Christian Gray." Amanda shook Iris even more and the smile that graced Iris' lips made Amanda furrow her brows. "What fantasies do you have about him?"

"A lot." Iris sat up, rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm. "You still haven't told me how-"

"Well," Mandy sat up, folding her legs underneath her and rubbing her chin. "We're gonna have to think of something rebellious."

They slowly turned their heads and looked at each other, their eyes crinkled at the corner as they chorused, "Sneak out."

Amanda widened her eyes, scanning her friend from head to toe. "Looks like you have some bad under your sleeve after all."

"Well," Iris pulled her pajamas shirt over her head and tossed it at Mandy. "I do."

"I thought you were innocent." Mandy flung the shirt away and grunted when another one hit her face. "Can you stop throwing your PJs at me?"

"I'm only locked up with over protective parents. Innocent and Iris should never be in the same sentence." Iris glowed with mischief as she wiggled her hips, pulling down her white thong and balling it in her fist.

"True. Never judge a book by it's cover." Amanda nodded her head, feeling a little off. The reality of her friend leaving her in Poland hit her.

"So, wanna shower with me?" Iris wiggled her brows and threw her panties at Amanda, who screamed and threw the underwear on the floor.

"Gross. Smelt like pussy!" She held her nose and got off the bed. "What did you do last night?"

"Day dreamed."

"Where were your hands?" Amanda smirked, winking at her best friend.

"In your pants." Iris joked and the expression on Amanda's face sent Iris staggering backwards with crinkles at the corners of her eyes. Her chest vibrated and one of her hands clutched her stomach.

After the joking around and showering with her best friend, Iris was all dressed up and ready for the airport. Mandy sat on the bed with a down cast look that got Iris worried.

"Are you okay?" Iris asked and Mandy forced a smile.

"Yes." She answered and crossed her legs as she watched Iris pack up her laptop.

"Are you sure, snuggles?" Iris sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Is it Kowalski?"

Amanda shook her head and fidgeted with the Hem of her grey sweat shirt.

"Then what is it?"

"This is gross, but I'm gonna miss you. I'll walk Scofield alone and might just spend my entire vacation alone in Poland." She sighed, drawing circles on her laps with  fallen shoulders.

"C'mon, you wouldn't be alone. Kowalski would be there and your parents-"

"Are gonna be as busy as a bee." Amanda helped Iris complete her sentence then slumped on the bed.

"Look on the bright side... That gives you opportunity to tick everything off our bucket list." Iris laid her head on Amanda's arm and put a hand over her stomach. "Cheer up for me and the bucket list."

They laid in silence for a while and zoned out, but the shuffling of feet brought them back to reality.

"Iris your mother wants-" The chef walked into the room and stopped in his tracks. He covered his eyes and walked back, muttering, "Oh, sorry."

They sat up and chorused, "No, come in."

"Your mother wants you in the car." He poked his head in before his whole body came into sight.

He grabbed her big box and rolled it out of the room.

"Some chef you have." Amanda covered her mouth, giggling with her eyes closed. "He's hot though."

"Don't hit on my chef." Iris smacked her arm and strapped her backpack to her shoulders. "Shall we?"

They trudged down the stairs and made it out of the door, wide enough for two elephants to walk through at the same time.

Settled in the car, Iris rested her arm on the window and chatted with Amanda.

"Don't come back for my chef while I'm gone." Iris warned, pointing a finger at Amanda.

The serious look on her face was now replaced with a ridiculous smile that soon turned into a loud laugh from both girls.

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