Chapter 5

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A thumping heart was encased in the chest of Iris as she gently closed the door and plastered her back on it, a sigh of relief escaped her lips–she had successfully snuck back into the house.

Her eyes glued shut with her hands on her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Involuntarily, her eyes snapped open and she ran to the window to take a gander at the beach. Slowly, she pulled the curtains open and her carved eyebrows fused together in a questioning gaze when she couldn't make up any human shape by the sea shore... He was gone.

Iris' gaze dropped down to the white window sill with her thoughts revolving round who the mystery boy was. She didn't even see his face well, she thought it was stupid of her and gave herself a face palm.

"Be smart, Iris!" She scolded quietly and slumped on the bed, enjoying the bouncy feeling that came, but hating how weary her legs and hands felt.

With that, her lids became heavy and she drifted to sleep.


The doorbell rang, disrupting Iris' sleep. She groaned, adjusting on the bed for a better position and her lids began to flutter shut before another nerve wracking sound filled the air.

"Moris!" Iris exclaimed, calling one of their house helps, while anger waves hit her like an angry sea crashing into a sailor's boat to destroy. "Get the door!"

Finally, there was peace and quiet and she rolled herself more into her flowery duvet. The small smile on her lips quickly changed to a frown when she couldn't go back to sleep. She tossed and pushed down the sheet, still no sleep. Pissed, she swung her legs to the floor and curled her toes at how cold the tiles were. Quickly, she drew her legs to her chest and flipped one of her pillows to grab a knee length socks with red and white stripes, which she slipped on and proceeded to brush her teeth.

After that, she headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Mmm." She licked her lips at the aroma of fried plantain and eggs.

She strode to the dinning table, meeting her mom and dad already seated. Her eyes jammed that of her mother who was sipping coffee from her favorite cup.

"Morning, mom." Iris greeted grumpily. Mornings weren't her favorite hours of the day as she always woke up with bitterness. Perhaps she was Mrs Grinch. "Don't tell me you brought that cup all the way from Poland."

"Yes, I did sweetie. It's my favorite, you know. How was your night?" Her mother threw a loving look her way, opening her arms for a hug, which Iris honored.

"Good." Iris smirked at the memory of sneaking out. "Good morning, dad."

Why did things that were bad feel so good?

"Hey, princess." He glanced up from his iPad, pinching her cheeks a little before returning his attention to the huge distraction in front of him. Iris wished she could crush it someday, but her father might just slaughter her. It was his third wife after her mother and his car.

"My night was great, thanks for not asking." She mumbled underneath her breath, not loud enough for her dad to hear.

Halfway into to the breakfast, their doorbell went off once again and Iris sprang up. The grumpiness she felt earlier had been replaced with excitement after helping herself to a plate of plantains and lots of eggs. The main reason for her happiness wasn't exactly the plantains, but the fact that she was going to meet someone new.

"I'll get it." She gushed, rushing to the door.

Grabbing the knob, she pulled it and met the delightful eyes of a woman the age of her mother.

"Hello! I'm Freya and you must be my neighbor?" She smiled and it reached her vibrant blue orbs, mirroring the color of the lidded container she held in her hands.

"Yes, I'm Iris." Iris returned her smile with one of hers, trying her best to make it look real. "Nice to meet you, Mrs Freya."

"Miss." She corrected and Iris nodded with an apologetic smile.

"Iris!" Her mother called and Iris glanced over her shoulder to see her mother approaching her in a blue robe. "Who's that?"

"Neighbor." Iris maintained her smile and stepped out of the way for her mother.

"Hello, I'm-" Freya paused, her smile growing wider the moment she caught sight of Mrs Dabroski.

"Freya!" Iris' mother exclaimed and rushed in for a hug, one Freya couldn't return because of the lidded container.

"I thought you sold this place, Val." Freya pointed out, scanning Mrs Dabroski from head to toe. "You look so beautiful. Here, I made some blueberry muffins."

"Thank you. No, I didn't." Mrs Dabroski collected the container and passed it to Iris.

"What about the memories, don't you-"

"Yeah, I do. But I'm okay." She cut her off, laughing weirdly with her fingers constantly stroking her arm.

"Val, Is this her?" Freya pointed at Iris and Val nodded. Freya inched closer to Iris and cupped her cheeks, her eyes watering. "She's so beautiful and has her grandmother's eyes."

After the whole pleasantries, Iris helped herself to one of the muffins, savoring the flavor and loving the woman even more.

"Mom, do you know Freya?" Iris asked, sipping some orange juice and going through Instagram.

"Yeah, we used to be good friends." Val answered, putting the remaining muffins into the fridge.

Iris shrugged and got up from the kitchen stool just in case the talk would lead to her highschool sweetheart, which Iris wasn't ready to hear.

"I'll be in my room." Iris trudged out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Once she was in her room, she smiled. There was just this serenity that came with being alone. She sucked in a breath and exhaled, searching the room for something fun to do. Her fingers reached up her chin and she stroked it gently, smirking evilly at a light bulb that lit up her head.

Should I maybe play with myself?

Her subconscious asked and she gave it a long thought before unlocking her phone and typing on Google's search bar.

How much is a vibrator?

The little voice in her head read as she typed. Suddenly, something caught her attention from her open windows. The back of a male.

He was shirtless and had balls of water rolling down his hair to his smooth back. She gaped at him, forgetting the little research she had started and moved closer to the window.

He grabbed a towel with which he used to cover his entire head, massaging it into his scalp to soak in the wetness of his jet black hair. He turned, causing Iris to squat. Her heart skipped a beat, but she sighed in relief when she took a peek and saw the towel was covering his face–he didn't see her.

Dreamingly, she raked his body with her eyes and enjoyed the muscular chest spasm. Water fell from his hair and slid down his hairless chest. She could see three abs forming and a throbbing feeling found its way in between her legs.

As if her hand had a mind of its own, it wandered down her stomach and found its way into her pants. She tried to balance herself on the window sill so she could spread her legs, but it was a little uncomfortable. Her eyes traveled below his waist and stopped at the bulge of his grey briefs. She tugged her bottom lip with her teeth and just when she was about to flick her hood, her phone rang and threw her off the sill.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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