You're all mine

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This is a idea I got from SCPFoundation1
Dreamnobalde. Techno is a yandere and Dream is 17 in this and techno 19. so yeah let's go

3rd person POV:

Dream was walking to college with his friends Snapnap and George. They were talking and joking around. When they arrived at their class they sat down. Dream sits next to the mysterious guy who doesn't talk much and Snapnap and George were sitting in front of them.

Dream than talked with George and Snapnap before the others came. "Hey should we play kiss,marry,kill it's like still 20 minutes till the others come here" "sure why not Snapnap" "yeah whatever" "ok I will start George uhm bbh , Wilbur or Tommy" "uhh I would say bbh kiss ,Wilbur marry and kill Tommy" "uh someone doesn't like the child" "nah I just don't wanna kiss or marry him he's literally so annoying and he's a child I'm 20 he's 16 that's cringe" "guess your right"

After the others came inside they went on with the lesson. The mysterious guy named techno was glaring sometimes at Dream. Dream didn't really notice anything because he was forced on the lesson.

Than they had a 10 minute break so they could like go to the toilet or some. Half of the class went outside but some stayed in the classroom. "Dreamie you know what" "what snapmap" "ey don't call me that and you know what's warm from the inside" "yes your mom" "DREAM" "Sorry mr. Philza" "hahahaha you fucked up dream" "fuck you" "nah I would rather fuck you dream" "your such a idiot"

Techno heard the whole conversation and just glared at Snapnap because he had feelings for the short brunette for a long time but he knew that Dream wouldn't like him back because he thinks that he's weird.

Than in the middle of the lesson Dream whispered to techno "hey what's your name btw" "uhh techno yours" "dream" "pretty name" Dream got red but said "thank you your cute too" techno just chuckled at the compliment and they both talked for the rest of the class. Before Dream left class he gave techno a note were was standing. "My number Techno ;)" techno smiled at looked at Dream who was about to leave but looked at the pink haired male and winked at him before leaving class. Techno thought 'god I love this man fuck'.

After a couple of weeks were Dream and techno met each other and chilled together Techno knew that he wanted Dream all for himself but Dream didn't love him back.

Snapnap was coming up to Dream and said "hey there my little snack" and kissed Dream's hand.
Techno got very mad at the things Snapnap did to dream so he did something....

The next day in the news. "17 year old boy found dead ,his name was Snapnap" Dream was starting crying and called techno while sobbing.

"T-Techno..." "yeah what's wrong why are you crying" "d-did you w-watch the n-news" "no what happened" "S-Snapnap h-he's.." "he's what Dream" "he's d-dead" "what omg Dream I'm so sorry that happened if you want I can come over and help you" "t-thank y-you and I w-would love t-to" "ok see you in a bit" "y-yeah" and with that techno hanged up smiling and took his jacket.

Techno knocked at Dream's door. "H-hey" dream said as he opened the door eyes puffy and red. "Oh dream it's gonna be alright I'm here for you" techno said as he hugged Dream tightly. "T-thank you techno" "your welcome dream". They stayed like that for about 5 minutes.

As they were in Dream's room Dream asked shyly "c-can we c-cuddle" "of course Dream everything to make you feel better" techno replied as they layed down in bed. Dream's head was snuggled into techno's chest and techno was brushing through Dream's soft hair and rubbed his back. Dream was slowly falling asleep as he muttered out "" and techno's eyes widen and he replied "I love you too buddy" he added the buddy so it doesn't make it suspicious.

After some week another one died this time it was George and Dream broke down his longest friends died and techno was comforting him again until he put sleep pills into his drink and Dream was knocked out for the last 7 hours.

As they arrived at some house in the fucking no were. Techno had broken Dream's legs and his right arm because Dream is right handed.

Dream slowly woke as huh groaned in pain and he looked up to see techno leaning against a wall. "T-Techno" "oh your awake" "WERE AM I TECHNO TELL ME RIGHT NOW" "your at my house and you know about the murders right?" "Y-yeah.." "well it was me" "WHAT TECHO WHAT THE FUCK WHY" "because your all mine darling" "no I'm not you fucking psycho" "yeah yeah whatever" "let me go" "were would you go tho" "what do you mean I'm going home" "that's not gonna be possible" "why.." "because I may or may have not killed your family" "w-what..." Dream started tearing up and looked away from techno. "But I'm your family now" techno said while smiling at Dream and holding his cheeks. "F-fuck y-you" "what was that darling" "FUCK YOU" dream screamed as he slammed techno's hands away. Techno moved away to the door and said "well than see you in a while and get that fucking behavior of yours in control" and with that techno left the room and looked the door so there was just one small candle. Dream held the candle to look around.

After two days of Dream behing locked in a room and techno didn't even looked after him until he heard Dream whining. "Techno...Techno please I'm sorry please techno" techno than unlocked the door and saw a limping Dream on the floor slowly crawling to the door with a painful expression. Techno picked Dream up and walked out with him. "T-Techno" "yeah" "why did you do these things" "because I want you all for myself darling" "but you could have just said so" "would date me if I told you I loved you" "well I guess not because we don't know each other that long " "see and I want your love" "but I don't love you techno" "well that is your fault" and with that techno was about to leave. "Wait ok fine" "ok what" "I will love you but please heal my legs" "say that you love me" "I- techno you k-know I can't" "well that's your problem" "ok wait fine I-I love you t-techno" "there you go I love you too"

After some weeks were Dream's legs were kinda fine. Dream was limping to the door and went outside. Dream was walking to the forest and looked at the beautiful forest. Techno was watching from the doorframe ,he was watching every move that Dream made. He mostly watched to see if Dream would run away. Dream than walked almost in the forest but stopped by a little cat walking to him. "Hello my little cutie" dream said as he got onto his knees and stroked the cats back. "Meow" "yes Baby" "meow meow" "hahaha yea" than the cat walked away and Dream got back up and walked further into the forest while techno raised a eyebrow. Dream was still in reach so techno could see him. Dream was just looking at the beauty of the forest. He than turned around and walked back while techno got in the house again and made some coffee. "Hey Techno" " hey dream where were you" "oh just outside I have something for you" "what" techno asked as he turned around. "This" Dream held a bunch of roses in his hands and smiled bright. "Naw thank you darling" techno said as he took the flowers and gave Dream a forehead kiss.

"I love you" "I know techno ,I know..."

These were 1360 words

Mostly bottom Dream but other oneshots too also with top Dream :)Where stories live. Discover now