Author's note
Morningg guys! Okay so this chapter (and a few of the others) was pretty rushed. It's not the best i can do and i apologise for that! They will get better- i promise. But at the moment it's just been a bit hard to find time to write with all the school work i have and then weekends are taken up with either family time or work so it's been a bit hard. Anyway, a lot of you really liked the Mitch and Jacob part in chapter 3 (i think?) and a got quite a few good comments towards that so I've given you another part. I've showed you only a teeny tiny bit of my new bitch. And hopefully next chapter I'll get a little more into the story line. Love you all millions.
Stay cute and enjoy x
He closed his eyes and counted to five; hoping that maybe his hangover was just messing with his head and causing him to see the only person he hated to see. Slowly, he opened them again; not quite ready to let go of the way having his eyes closed dulled the pain slightly. He groaned on seeing that the figure looking through his fridge was still in the room. At the sound of the groan the man turned to look at Jacob who was now rubbing his temples with squinted eyes at the pain that shot through.
Ethan snorted before turning back to the fridge. "Hangover? Pathetic. "
Jacob tried to shoot his back a glare for talking and making the pounding in his head greater but failed when it only caused him more pain.
"What are you doing here?" He asked flatly.
"Waiting for your mother."
"Cool. Can you leave now. You're making my head hurt."
"If you were my son, you wouldn't step foot into this house. I don't know why your mother tolerates your bullshit." Ethan spat turning to look at Jacob.
"Let's get something straight here buddy." Jacob said, leaning against the island. "What's your last name?"
"Exactly. That sounds nothing like Anderson so obviously I'm not your son and frankly this isn't your house either so you should stop voicing the opinions of yours that don't actually want to be heard."
Ethan was ready to shoot out a reply until he heard the footsteps of his girlfriend coming down the stairs.
"Could you move?" Jacob flatly asked.
Ethan -for once- listened to Jacob and made his way over to the foot of the stairs where the boy's mother had just appeared; smiling as he accepted the soft kiss placed to his cheek.
"Are you ready darling?" He asked, tone turning from venom to sickly sweet in seconds.
"Just need to grab a few things." She replied fixing a few loose strands of hair in the mirror.
"I'll wait in the car then."
Jacob scowled as Ethan exited through the front door and he made his way to the fridge and medicine cabinet beside it. Opening the fridge, he took out the carton of milk before closing it and retrieving some Advil from the cabinet.
"How are you feeling sweetie?" Amy asked, passing her son a glass before kissing his temple.
"Pretty shit." He mumbled.
"Aww, it's okay. It'll pass honey."
"Will you be back for dinner?"
"Actually no. Ethan's taking me out for the day."
Not finding anything to say, Jacob gave a little nod before flicking the pill into his mouth and drinking it down with the milk.
"Will you be alright?"
"Yeah. Mitch's coming over."
"Okay honey." She said, giving him another kiss. "I'll see you later."
"Cya mum." He smiled as she walked out with a wave.
After his mum and Ethan left, Jacob went back to his room and grabbed his phone off the bedside table.
To Mitch
Come over
He sent the text to his best friend while taking his clothes off before heading in for a hot shower.
When he got out the shower that he'd stayed in for a bit longer than planned and put some clothes on, he went down the stairs to wait in the lounge for Mitch. However; while he was passing the kitchen he stopped in his tracks to find Mitch in there attacking the Nutella Jar with a soup spoon.
"Bro." Jacob spoke up, walking into the kitchen. "Give us some."
Mitch passed Jacob a spoon out the draw he was leaning against as they both dug in.
"How'd you get in?" Jacob casually asked.
"Mphgm," was the only thing understandable considering Mitch's Nutella filled mouth before he pulled a key out his pocket.
"Sick. Where'd you get it?"
"Took it off the key rack last time. It looked like a spare and I thought it might come in handy." He explained when he'd finally swallowed.
"Nice." Jacob approved giving the blonde a fist bump. "Movie?" He suggested a second later.
"Okay but I'm bringing the Nutella. Dude I think I might be pregnant or something. I keep craving it."
"Yeah, I thought I was pregnant once too." Jacob joked.
"Yeah?! What are the symptoms?"
"Uhh sneezing, craving and probably something weird like listening to Justin Bieber. Oh and your armpit starts to itch."
"Bro!! No way! I listened to Justin Bieber today!"
"Damn." Jacob said, laughing at the stupidness of his best friend.
After a bit of arguing, the pair decided to watch The Fault in Our Stars; which was currently playing as they lay on the couch beside each other, wrapped in a blanket. Jacob kept slipping in and out of sleep and was currently dead to the world. In the distance the doorbell could just be heard over the audio which was playing at ninety-seven. Jacob's phone had also started to ring a few times but Mitch decided ignoring both was the right decision. However; when Jacob's phone rang for what Mitch guessed was at least the fifth hundredth time he reluctantly answered it after seeing the caller as Jay.
"Go away. We're watching The Fault in our Stars and have no time for you." He said when he answered before hanging up again. He groaned and glared at the phone in his hand before answering again.
"What do you want Jay?! Don't you understand that we're watching?"
"Open the door. I wanna watch too." Jay replied over the line.
"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh, whyyyy. You're making me miss a good part." Mitch whined.
"Fine but you're buying Jacob and I lunch today." He informed his friend before getting up and walking to the front door. "Say deal or I'm not opening up."
"Deal." Jay replied before the door was opened and he hung up.
Mitch ahead of him, they walked to the lounge room and he watched as the blonde boy got under the bundle of blankets. Making his way over to the couch, he notices the sleeping figure of Jacob, pausing for two seconds before screaming "Jakey you cutie pie" and jumping right on top of the boy, earning a loud groan and a 'broooooooo' in return.
"Shhhhhhhhhhh! I'm gonna have to ask you both to leave if you don't shut up seriously."
"Mitch this is my house" came a muffled reply from the boy under the blankets.
"I have a key, bro. Can't argue with the key."
With Jay laughing loudly and Mitch giving an exasperated sigh every few seconds, Jacob realised how much he loved his friends and with that closed his eyes and welcomed sleep.

RomanceMeet Jacob Anderson. Rich boy. Highly attractive. Quiet the charmer. A fine body. And popular. Yeah okay. I know what you're thinking. Rich, popular, beautiful; surely he's a big headed, self obsessed, sporty, annoying jerk, right? Wrong. In fact...