Chapter 1

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Authors Note

I probably should have done this when I posted the prologue but I forgot so putting it in this chapter then I'll probably move it to the prologue later on. Basically the picture is what Jacob looks like.

Next thing is; please bare with me. This chapter is awful. I hate it so much. I think chapter two is also awful because in these first two chapters I'll just be like introducing a lot of things. It is kinda rushed but I just didn't want to dwell on it. Chapter three is like when the story really starts to begin and the first two chapters are kinda like fillers and just the intro. I promise it gets better but yeah. Okay I'll let you read now :) x


Hand in hand, silence followed as Courtney and Jacob made their way up the stairs to his bedroom. Jacob let out a sigh. He loved this. Yeah, there was silence but it wasn't awkward. It was never awkward with them. He loved how her fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between his own. He loved the sound of her voice and the fact that she only had one dimple on her left cheek. He could list so many things that he loved about her but to cut it short; he just loved her.

Entering the room, she went towards the bed as Jacob headed for the bookshelf in silent agreement. To them, this was their usual type of lazy night, they would settle for a movie and simply relish in each other's company. Nothing fancy; just the pair being them.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

"One we haven't watched yet" she shrugged in response.

Deciding on Oz the Great and Powerful, Jacob walked over to the head of the bed, getting comfortable while putting the DVD into his laptop.

"Coming?" he asked, patting the empty space beside him.

Crawling across the bed before burying herself into his side, Courtney let her head rest against his shoulder.

They were halfway through the movie when Jacob noticed something was bothering his girlfriend. He paused the movie, waiting for her to say something. She didn't; seeming to be somewhere else, not even noticing that the movie was paused.

"Hey" Jacob said softly.

Courtney's head snapped up to meet his eyes as she finally came back to reality.

"What's up?" He spoke again.

"What do you mean...?" She slowly asked, distracted.

"Where are we up to in the movie?"

"When the little girls asks him to make her walk...?" she replied clearly confused.

"Actually, we passed that scene 40 minutes ago" said Jacob with a slight shake of his head. "That was at the very start of the movie."

She opened her mouth only to close it again before looking down at her hands.

"Hey" Jacob tried again lifting her chin. "What's wrong?" he asked, now worried.

"I-it's" she let out a sigh before continuing, trying to find the right words. "Jacob... I don't think this is working. I mean- like- it's just- I think we need a break." She finally finished, still not looking at him.

"What do you mean it's not working?" Everything's been great" replied Jacob, now the one confused and a little taken back as to where this was coming from- and why.

"For the past few days you've just been so out of it. You don't seem happy. It's like you don't want to be here; like you don't want to be with me."

Jacob scratched lightly at the nape of his neck before replying. "If I didn't want to be with you, trust me I would've walked away by now."

"Well it feels like you're only in this relationship because you feel like you have too, not because you want it" she said.

"Look. If you want to break up with me, just do it. Don't try to act as if I'm the one begging for it, because I'm not. I'm not sure why we need a break, Courtney. Everything has been fine. What happened?"

"I just... I don't know" she said standing "I should go."

** ** ** ** ** **

Jacob woke before the sun the next day feeling worse than the day before. He knew he shouldn't keep letting this affect him; it'll be the second year now; but how couldn't he? How was he supposed to turn his back and face the other way when it was only another 24 hours away?

Sinking back deeper into the covers, he sighed deciding to allow himself a few more hours sleep; it was too early for this.

** ** ** ** ** **

Waking with a jolt, he jumped up, feeling the dizziness in his head at the sudden movement. Silently cursing the door bell under his breath, he grudgingly lifted himself out of bed and pulled some boxer briefs on. He rubbed his eyes roughly as he tried to make his way down the stairs half asleep. Partly awake now, Jacob opened the front door; stiffening when the familiar brown eyes met his own.

"Can I come in?" Courtney hesitantly asked.

After briefly thinking 'definitely not', Jacob stepped to the side, allowing room for her to pass. Who came knocking at people's doors this early in the morning anyway? - Like come on 8:01 he thought, shutting the door behind her. Slightly shaken, he took a deep breath to prepare himself for the worst.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. "I just want my Jakey back. The happy one."

He shrugged, not exactly expecting this, before her arms wrapped around his neck, shooting sparks through his bare skin as she pulled him into a deep embrace.

Courtney left shortly after, leaving Jacob to his own haunting thoughts. As much as he tried, he couldn't steer his mind away from it. It was exhausting, leaving him in the worst mood all day; deciding on skipping school, he trudged up the stairs back into bed.

** ** ** ** ** **

Lazily walking into lesson five, Jacob slumped into his seat, not noticed how long he'd actually slept before heaving out a sigh. Today was the day. Today was the 26th of March. The day it had happened.

Naturally, this day has just been crap. Digging through his pocket, Jacob pulled out his headphones to play some music, thinking it would help. After flicking through songs he realised it wouldn't. He had to stop avoiding and pretending it wasn't happening. Getting his bag he stood up and walked out, no one saying a word. Where was he going? He didn't exactly know, but he kept walking until he was outside the school grounds and halfway to The Gourmet Cake Shop. Right now, what he really wanted was a coffee. Pulling the door open, he walked in the same time his phone vibrated inside his pocket.

From Courtney

Where are you?

To Courtney

Taking a walk.

From Courtney

Where's this walk leading to?

To Courtney


From Courtney


To Courtney

I want a coffee.

From Courtney


Jacob sighed, ignoring the text and pocketing his phone so he could order his coffee.


Authors note

Ughh I hate it so much. Courtney pisses me off. But HOW COOL IS MY NEW COVER?!?! I am so in love with it. If you need any covers made ElatedCanvas made it for me, she's great! :)

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