Chapter 16

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I refuse Tim's previous offer to introduce me to people. I figure there's no point, seeing as i'm planning to never leave my new room. And if i never leave, i never have to interact with anyone. If i reach the point where i'm comfortable enough to venture further than the bathroom, i'll consider asking Tim for help with socializing.

But for now, i'm fine with just Tim, Ann, and maybe Brian. And Brian's dog. Who is very sweet, and i got to pet like once.

Besides, venturing out means i have to interact with another paranormal being, or a serial killer. And i'd like to limit my exposure a bit, lest i fall victim to their insanity :)

But unfortunately i have a short attention span, and sorting through the beads gets old after a while. And Tim's busy with work, especially stuff he'd missed out on during the eleven days where i was sharing a room with him. Brian and Ann are okay, but i don't think i'd ever purposely seek out their company.

There's no way i'm ever interacting with Sally again, and Toby is a bit too much, so it's basically just me, in my room, all the time. Alone. In the dark. Alone. Completely alone. Nothing to do, no one to talk to but myself.

At least when i was living in the shitty abandoned warehouse, if i got bored i could wander into town, walk through some stores. But here. . . there's kind of nothing.

Being alone with myself is terrifying. No noise, no task to distract myself from my own mind. I hate thinking.

I want to go outside, even if it's just for a little while. I've gone on a smoke break or two with Tim, just standing on the porch for ten minutes or so, but it's nice. The cold air is nice. I wish my window would open so i could experience it without having to leave.

I'm tired of sitting in here all the time. Being inside.

Maybe i could. . . see if Tim is working, and ask him if he wants to go outside with me. It sounds needy, and i feel guilty for even thinking about asking, but i'm just. . . sick of this. I need to do something before i lose it completely. Before i. . .

Tim cared when no one else did, but if i keep bothering him, he's going to regret it.

It takes me a full two hours to convince myself to leave my room and wander down the two sets of stairs. The whole time i'm on high alert for any noise, but as far as i can tell there's nothing too out of place. I'm able to sneak past the living room without being spotted, ignoring the argument between two of the other residents.

I pause in front of Tim's door, rehearsing exactly what i'm going to say. Exactly what motions i'm going to do, attempting to figure out every possible outcome, just to prepare myself for rejection.

I finally realize that i should knock, but as soon as i raise my hand to do so, the door swings open, and Tim almost crashes into me. I'm given a mumbled apology, and i'm about to do the same when i put together that he's going out.

Shoes and jacket on, keys in hand.

"Wh- um- what-" I mentally curse myself for stammering. "Where are you. . . going?" God, i sound like a fucking idiot. Like it's any of my business. Like i have any right to ask in the first place.

"Running a couple errands."

"Oh, um-" I gulp, wringing my hands together and staring at the ground. "Is it- i-i mean would it- um. . . can i come? Maybe? I mean it's cool if you say no, um , i get it-" Stupid, stupid stupid. You're a fucking IDIOT, just shut up, you're making a damn fool of yourself.

"Uh, if you want, yeah. It's just shopping." I didn't expect him to accept.

"Oh! Cool- um- i like shopping, shopping's. . . fun." Oh my GOD stop talking!! Just shut up! Shut up!!

My face burns in embarrassment, and i stare down at the floor, angry with myself.

"O. . .kay." He thinks you're a fucking idiot. You're making him regret taking you in. "You have any shoes?" I give a quick shake of my head. "Mm. I'm sure there's some you can use around here somewhere. . ." He kind of wanders in a random direction, and after a quick mental debate i follow after him.

He digs around in a closet that i didn't even know existed, and tosses out a couple pairs of old shoes, instructing me to take whatever fits.

Most of them are either too small or way too big, but i eventually find a pair of what i think are Vans, just barely too big and somewhat falling apart, But i guess it's better than nothing. I think they used to be blue at one point? Like a light blue, or maybe a turquoise?

I'm also given a worn teal coat, the fluff on the hood a bit patchy and tangled. It was definitely well loved by whoever had it before me, who-

I think got stabbed. . . while wearing this coat. Right above the left pocket, which when zipped up would be abdomen-ish area, there's a stitched up hole that's surrounded by what i think are bloodstains. I'm hoping that if someone died in this coat, they wouldn't keep it. 

But i can't really be sure.

Hopefully i don't get haunted by the owner of this. . . ghost coat.

Haha ghost coat.

The snow is deeper than it was when i first got here, probably six inches or so. But other than the mini storm last week, it's been pretty calm. There hasn't been a ton of new snow, just some flurries. 

Man these shoes are not well insulated. Snow is getting all up in my socks. Why did Tim park his car outside?? I'm pretty sure that big metal door over there is a garage. Is it full of junk?? Other cars?? There has to be some reason why Tim parked twenty feet away, in the snow.

Or he's just a little bit less clever than i though.

I have to help him brush the snow off the windshield, freezing my hands in the process. Like, so cold they hurt. But i'm just happy to be included, i guess. Even if it causes me physical pain.

The drive into town is a lot prettier when it isn't the middle of the night, and i'm not on the verge of a panic attack. It's pretty nice. Just a small dirt road through the woods, barely defined. You probably wouldn't even see it if you weren't looking for it in the first place.

After maybe fifteen minutes it hits a gravel road, which goes on for maybe another ten before the trees start to thin out.  It's mainly houses, but after a while the town comes into view. It looks like they've completely closed off where i used to stay, doors and windows boarded up.

The trip is just shopping, just like Tim said. Lots of groceries, some basic items. And then some candles and some outdoor pop up lanterns, which is a little strange.

"There's supposed to be a storm, either tonight or tomorrow. Last year it knocked the power out for a couple days." Ah, that makes sense. Now that he mentions it, it seems that a lot of people are preparing. The shelves seem a bit emptier than usual. Not by much, but it's definitely noticeable.

I don't know how Tim can afford this. Almost a hundred and twenty dollars in groceries when, no offense, i've never really seen him do anything other than basic paperwork. Is this,,, legal? I mean, the card didn't decline, so i'm assuming he has the money for it.

I think about it for the drive back, trying to figure out what exactly it is that Tim does. We know that obviously he's done something to be able to stay in a house full of murderers. He's been fine so far, nothing out of the ordinary. Sometimes he's quieter than normal, irritable, quick to anger, but that's the worst i've seen.

Maybe he. . . killed someone. He was strangely calm when i did, so obviously he's used to the idea. Maybe he actually killed someone before. Maybe more than one person.

. . . Nah. Tim wouldn't kill anyone.

[Creepypasta self insert fanfic] ((Aka It's Me,, I'm The Main Character))Where stories live. Discover now