Chapter 1

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It wasn't always this bad. At first it was just ignoring my existence, leaving me alone for days at a time when i was way younger than i should be. And then it extended to barring me from anything other than my room and a bathroom, shutting off the heat during the winter, withholding food, etc. 

Usually i'm expected to stay upstairs, on the third floor. It's not a big deal. I've got my room (it's just a mattress on the floor, and a lot of blankets and pillows from back when they cared enough to buy me stuff), a bathroom, and a small unfinished storage room filled with boxes of junk. 

Then there's a door that leads to some stairs, that lead to the second floor. There's a deadbolt and a padlock on the outside of that door, just in case they get angry at me and feel like locking me up here for a day or so. I usually sneak downstairs for food at night.

But recently, within the past few months, they've been locking me upstairs for weeks on end, preventing me from eating anything. i've had to break into the only money i have, just so i don't starve to death. I started with almost a hundred dollars, now i'm down to just under thirty, with no way of making more. I'm too young to get a job anywhere.

I'm not very proud to admit that i may have stolen a few times. Sometimes people just don't pay attention to their stuff, so i swoop in and take as much as i can without being too obvious. Nothing big, just some cash.

Just enough to keep me from completely running out of money. Enough to keep me alive, to keep the suspicion off of me for the last month of school. I don't want teachers calling social services, placing me in a foster home. It's really not as bad as it seems. I can deal with this, it's fine. 

It could be worse.

School sucks, but it's fine. The teachers only see me as a name on attendance, another student to pretend to care about for nine months and then never see again. They talk to me like they're concerned for me, for my grades, but they never do anything to help. 

It's bullshit.

 I'm only in school so my parents don't have to fight the state on it. That, and it's the only real sense of normalcy i have left in my life.

I don't have any friends, just a few acquaintances. Sure, they'll talk to me in class sometimes, but they have their own friends. We don't talk outside of class, we don't eat lunch together, we just exist in the same space. They say we're friends, but i know for a fact they wouldn't hang out with me at all if we weren't in the same classes.

Friends by proximity.

We only have a week left, thank god. Then i can go back to existing on my own for a few months, finding any way possible to get the opportunity to eat. Maybe by then my parents will let me back downstairs, even just for a little while.

I climb up the ladder on the side of my house, just like i do every day after school. Then walk on the small portion of my roof leading up to the siding i need to climb up, and then more roof to reach my bedroom window. I go to throw it open, as always, but it doesn't budge. I try again, harder this time, but still nothing.

They locked the goddamn window. The only possible way into the house i've lived in my whole damn life. Never once have they locked it before, even when they were pissed at me. I'm usually allowed free roam of the upstairs at all times.

I'm trapped out here, for who knows how long. Knowing my parents, probably forever. Everything i own is in there, but thankfully it's barely anything of worth. Old scratchy blankets with holes in them? Flat pillows, a shitty mattress that i've had for as long as i can remember?

I probably couldn't take them with me if i tried, to be honest. It'd be a pain trying to haul those with me to. . .

to. . .

I don't have anywhere to go. 

I haven't had any contact with any of my family since i was a kid, since before things got bad. I don't have any real friends, my neighbors probably don't know who i am, the police scare me too much and would probably put me in foster care, i'm too young for a homeless shelter, too poor to put myself up in a hotel.

I don't have anywhere to go.

I only have thirty dollars on me. I'm only thirteen, too young for a job, too small and fragile and weak to do anything for myself. If i were to stay on the street, there's no doubt i could get abducted. Kidnapped, arrested, raped, killed. 

I have to find somewhere to stay before it gets dark. 

There's an abandoned warehouse or something just out of view of the main road, behind a small patch of trees. It's been empty for years, as long as i can remember. It was gutted forever ago, completely empty other than your average debris. One of the walls is crumbling, a couple windows are broken, tiles cracked with weeds growing through.

It's oddly nice to see nature reclaim something like this. 

I don't sleep at all, trying to get a read on if this is a safe spot or not. The rate of homelessness is decently low in this town, and even then, they tend to avoid this area. I mainly try to see how many people typically pass, look around the place for any sign of anybody living here.

It seems safe enough. I wear the exact same outfit with me to school for the remaining week of school, praying that no one notices.

But i secretly hope they do. I hope someone notices i've been in the same clothes for a week, that i clearly haven't showered, that i'm tired, anxious, obviously unwell. I wan't someone here to notice something is wrong before i'm left on my own for three months.

No one does. 

School lets out on the last day, and i'm forced to go back to the shitty warehouse. Back to the dirty, cracked, uncomfortable tile floors, the smell of mold. I spend the rest of my money on an impulse trip to a thrift store, buying a couple blankets, some clothes, cheap soap.

I plan it all out. A day pass to the rec center is three dollars. They have showers, you just have to bring your own soap, probably your own towels too. I can probably go once or twice a week now that it's summer, but i'll have to start stealing more to afford that. Most fast food places have bathrooms you can use, and some will give water for free. Parks have water fountains, and public bathrooms as well. 

At least i won't die from any of that. 

It's pretty easy to steal food, as long as i'm careful with it. Only certain kinds of bar codes set off alarms, most employees can't confront you about theft, and as long as i stick to the small stuff and avoid cameras, i'm not likely to be caught.

Sure, i eat something small roughly every other day, and i know im underweight, but at least i'm not dying. And yeah, maybe i'm starting to show signs of malnutrition, but i'm fine. I'm not dead yet.

I'll survive.

I check every week or so to see if the window has been unlocked, but it hasn't. Once week, in early September, when i go to check, my stuff is gone. What few possessions i had, have all been cleared out of the room, most likely thrown away.

They're never letting me back in, are they? I'll be stuck out here forever, right? On my own, sleeping in a crumbling building until i either starve to death, or someone kills me. Or the police find me, i guess. I wonder, if they find my body, will they trace it back to my parents? Charge them with neglect?

Or will they simply throw me in an unmarked grave and move on?

Most likely the latter, to be honest. It's the sad reality of the situation.

Not that i'm not used to it.

Just wish it was different, is all.

[Creepypasta self insert fanfic] ((Aka It's Me,, I'm The Main Character))Where stories live. Discover now