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Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for looking at this book. As the description says, I have read so many Japanese guides on Wattpad and all of them were basically incorrect. Don't get me wrong, my Japanese isn't perfect, but I am a native and fluent speaker.

A little information about me:
I am 16 years old and a quarter Japanese. My dad is half, and my mom is American. Both my parents grew up on a naval base in Yokosuka, Japan. My dads first language is Japanese where my mom learned the language while she lived in Japan. My first language is English, but I began learning simple Japanese phrases since a young age. When I was 9, I moved to the Marine Core base in Iwakuni, Japan. This was when I began attending Japanese classes and learning more complicated phrases. When I was around 12, we moved to where my parents grew up, Yokosuka. However, instead of being on a American base, we found it more ideal to live in a foreigner isolated area because my sisters first language is Japanese. So we moved off base to Yokohama, Japan. This was when I attended Japanese school for the rest of elementary, and junior high. Because I will attend an American college, we had to move back to America this past summer. I live near the DC area and every Saturday, I attend a Japanese school ran by the American-Japanese heritage
society. I feel by writing this guide to help you speak Japanese, could also help me.

Please comment and vote if you would be interested in learning, or seeing more of what I have to offer. Thanks so much!

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