ch 3

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Cold. that's all I felt. I was hungry and cold. it's been a few days since I left the pack and have been traveling through the forest and open roads. I have been constantly looking over my shoulder for any sign of rogues and so far none have come across. I don't know where I am or which packs are near. I walk a little toward little dirt pathway that seems it may lead to some place. as I follow the path, I come up to a clear view of grass and and see someone laying in the middle of the field. It was a boy with blonde curly hair and a backpack beside him. " excuse me" I asked
"Oh hi, how can I help u"
" I was wondering if u knew where we r like if this is a pack land or not?"
" nah it's empty here ever since I've been here, I'm Luke by the way and u are?""

"i'm ella"

" will ella theres nothing for miles from here"
"Oh, well that's ok"
" well Ella tell me what brings u here?"
" I don't know I had this feeling and just followed it here to the middle of now where. What about you?"
" me? I felt as if I had to be here and wait for someone important to show up and it seems like you are of some importance since you are the first person to show up here. Wait what did  you say your last name was?"
" oh so sorry for that it's moon, full name is Ella Marie moon. Why do you ask"
" wait what? What do you mean protect and serve? Luke what's going on and please calm down"
" Ella your the lost queen and the daughter of someone very powerful. I cant tell you who as they want to tell you them selfs but they sent me here to make sure you claim what is right fully yours and that no harm come towards you"
" calm down Ella. I'll explain everything once we set everything up for you alright? But first things first let's claim this land as yours and build your pack alright"
" ok let's do it"
" ok let's go"

Luke grabs my hand and runs towards the middle of the land and stops till a books shows up out of now where and grabs it and hands it to me.
" ok just design how you want your pack house to look like and then place it on the ground and it will just magically appear"
So I start to plan out how I want the pack house to look like and get to work.

Author's notes:
YALL I got so busy with school and stuff I forgot to update all of my stories. So please forgive me and I will start to upload again when I get time again but anyways enjoy this chapter. It may be  shitty but let me know what you guys think.

the lost hybrid queen ( a Ashton Irwin story) Where stories live. Discover now