Chapter 5- The Ex

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The day passed by without anything out of the ordinary. I attended my classes and occasionally I spotted Sammy in a few of them. Probably skipping again, I thought to myself, shaking my head. She had a habit of skipping lessons with her boyfriend, going up stone-walled staircases, and taking cigs at our school's many unknown balconies. She was my best friend but in many ways, we were completely different. The only resemblance we had was the way we dressed for school.

We both had a thing for black clothes, and many people would stare at us in the distance. Perhaps it was the lip piercing, or the leather miniskirts, or the fishnet stockings, I never really figured that out. Anyhow, we were the iconic best friends in school, and soon many people just kept their distance. 

It was only recently that she had a boyfriend, Patch, that she started hanging out with him more often. He was not from our school, but he was a friend of her brother's. We didn't spend as much time together now, but that was okay with me as long as we still hang out on weekends. 

For me, I skipped lessons sometimes, but not to take a smoke or anything.  I detested the smell of cigarettes and I won't go near a cigarette for the death of me. Whenever I felt bored, I just liked to leave the class for a while and walk through the school gardens, admiring the shrubs and pines along the way, how they bent and shook in the wind. 

Sometimes I would bring a sketchbook with me, and sketch out a flower, just starting to bloom in the mid-autumn air, or the vast forest of pine trees in the distance, beckoning me into the woods. Just sketching with my pencil, I could be lost for hours. Nobody really knew I drew in my free time, and I intended to keep it that way. Most people only knew me for my leather jacket and knee-high boots, complete with my helix piercings and my smokey eyes. 

Yes, looking down at my outfit, I mused to myself. Nobody really knew this part of me beyond what I projected on the exterior. Somehow, my bad girl look attracted some people to me but I kind of gave everyone the cold shoulder as I just wasn't quite as interested and they moved on. Maybe that's why I haven't had a boyfriend in such a long time. 

Sighing, I tried to recollect my thoughts before walking to my car. It was already the end of school and I was going home now. Sammy was nowhere to be seen and it wasn't surprising to me. My iPhone buzzed and when I fished it out, I noticed Sammy had texted me. She said: I'm going to the movies with Pat. See you soon and don't worry too much bout me. 

Ah, so that was where she went. Typing out a speedy reply, I quickly sent out a message. I glanced around the parking lot and frowned. My car was nowhere to be found. Where was it? Oh yes. I nearly facepalmed myself when I realized that I didn't drive my car today. It was the chauffeur that had sent me here.

Oh no, how was I going to get home? I groaned. Maybe I should call Damien. My mind suggested to me. No, that's stupid, I shot back. No way I was going to call him about something this small. Just when I was contemplating about this, a heard someone shouting across the parking lot to me. 

"Cat!" Oh no. It was that dreaded voice I have been trying to avoid for the whole three months. I quickly averted my eyes and started walking in the opposite direction. However, he caught up to me easily and he was distinct, with his blond hair and tanned skin.  It was Nate, my ex. 

"Listen, Cat, we can work this out." Nate started to speak. Oh no, he has been bugging me for the past few weeks about our breakup. Clearly, he still thinks he has a chance and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. 

"After you cheated on me? No thanks." I retorted and he looked slightly regretful. Not enough for me to feel bad for him though. He should know better than to do that to me. I still remember catching him in the act with another girl and the confusion, anger, and abandonment I felt. The next day, I broke up with him.

From then on, he had tried to talk to me multiple times and even wrote me a letter expressing his regret but I would never accept him again. It had been so difficult for me and I don't ever want to be so vulnerable. At this moment, he was still trying his luck. 

"Give me another chance." He pleaded. Students were already staring at us. Literally, the whole school knew about our breakup and it wasn't pretty at all, having been stared at and whispers of your name in corridors in school. Nate was one of the most popular boys in school, and he was on the football team. Many girls had their eyes on him but he chose to date me instead, about a year ago. However, he screwed up and I'm never going to get back with him again. 

"No, Nathaniel, it's over." I snapped in anger. Oh no, where was Sammy to rescue me from this situation? I had nowhere to go and was getting quite frantic. My day was getting from good to really bad, in this second. Please, can someone help me now. 

Suddenly, Nate charged forward. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around with much force. He raised his fists up into the air. I was completely taken aback by his gesture and I didn't know what to do. I was completely frozen on the spot. What was he going to do?

Just then, I felt Nate's arms leave my body. I looked up and saw that Nate was pinned to the ground. To my surprise, it was Damien who stood above him, who was already writhing on the floor. "I believe you heard the lady." Damien snapped with menace, speaking through gritted teeth. His jaw was clenched. He was wearing a dark navy suit and his dark green eyes were illuminated in the afternoon sun.

How did he know I was here? My mind was spinning. I never felt so indebted to anyone in my whole life. Who knows what Nate would have done if he hadn't been there to stop him. I felt so defenseless and my heart was still racing. 

"I... I just wanted to talk to her." Nate said in between breaths. "Didn't seem like to me," Damien growled. By now, there was a crowd gathering around us, whispering and pointing at me, Damien and Nate. No doubt they were trying to pinpoint why Damien was here. This news would definitely spread to everyone by tomorrow. Inwardly, I groaned.

"Is anything the problem?" The security team was already here and one of them spoke authoritatively. "He was trying to harass her, and I had to step in," Damien said in a low voice, flashing the security team a reassuring smile. Despite where I was, I was distracted by his smile, his eyes crinkling up in a line, his chiseled jaw now relaxed. What was I doing? He was my boss or boss-to-be. I can't be so affected by him, but he was truly handsome.

He didn't come here to see me, did he? My brain was spinning. It didn't make any sense. "How do you know her?" The security guard asked. "She's my personal assistant," Damien said smoothly. I hadn't agreed yet, though, but he doesn't seem like someone to take no for an answer. 

"We're leaving. We have work to do." Damien finally said and released his grip on Nate. The security team by now was already walking away, having seen the conflict averted. Damien strolled towards me and his lips went to my ear. I almost stopped breathing.

"You can thank me later, cupcake," Damien whispered, his lips brushing my ear. My heartbeat was racing again, but for a completely different reason. With that, he guided his hand to the small of my back towards his car. Everyone was still staring at us. No doubt, they knew about Damien and his business. Now, they knew I was his assistant thanks to him. 

Without further ado, he brought me to his Mercedes and he opened the door for me. "Get in," he said authoritatively. As there was nothing more I could do, I got into his car and the engine started with a purr. Quickly, we drove off and I was still speechless. That did not just happen.


Update! Hope you like it. I would continue this book if there are at least 10 votes! Do vote and comment, thank you. 

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