Chapter 7 - Rejection

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"Sorry, but I refuse." I heard myself say. I was never going to agree with him, especially if he is being pushy and a jerk. 

Damien paused midway in his step, and he gasped inaudibly. I smirked internally. Maybe nobody has ever said the word 'no' to him before. He was probably very used to getting his way in things. I won't agree, not without something to gain, of course. Besides, my father's order was to follow him closely, not to become his secretary. I grimaced at the change of events. How was I going to intimidate him now?

"What?" Damien uttered in disbelief. He was smoothing out his crisp white shirt and an expensive-looking tie, but now his hands had balled into fists. Slowly and deliberately, he walked closer till we were inches away, my ass resting on the desk. His relaxed brown eyes now blazed with pure anger. 

Uh oh. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. I was still awaiting further instructions on what to do with Damien after meeting him at the bar. That was only a start, my mind reminded me. Things like this could get complicated. I shouldn't just become his secretary because of my personal feelings. 

"There I was, thinking that you have agreed. Never did I know that you're not a man of your words." Damien sneered. 

"Woman," I corrected, "and I did not agree- not without my conditions." 

He narrowed his eyes. I fought the urge to laugh. He looked just a little bit comical, and this tormenting him was beginning to feel a little fun. It shouldn't be funny! I reminded myself. I was on a mission to retrieve his files and there was no time to be fooling around. 

"What conditions?" Damien said suspiciously.

I smirked. "Now we're talking. Shall we sit down while I explain?" I looked at the plush leather seats in the corner of the office. Those will have to do.

"If you may, Ms. Trent," Damien uttered, resignation clear in his tone. He ran one hand across his sleek blond hair, indicating he might be a little ruffled. However, his cold brown eyes betrayed nothing, as he stared at me impassively. 

We crossed the room and sat down, side by side, on the comfortable seats. The air conditioning was still blowing above us, and I felt a shiver coming down my spine. Oh no, time to think of something, Katherine. We need to delay this.

I took a deep breath. 

"Okay, I have something important to discuss. The thing is, I need more time." I said, biting my lip. 

Damien frowned, his perfect face creasing into a line at his forehead. "Why? Haven't I settled the issues with your studies?" He crossed his arms, tensing the muscles in his forearm. He continued to appraise me speculatively.

"Yes, but the issue isn't school. It's my family." I explained to him patiently, like he was a small child.

He continued to stare at me with his deep crystal blue eyes. His mouth, however, puckered into a small frown. 

"You know, this contract isn't forever. I need a personal assistant, and I need it quick." He said disapprovingly, smoothing out his tie yet again. Even though he was mad at me for perhaps some selfish reason, I felt shy under his intense gaze. 

My face began to heat up. I hated feeling incompetent, much less disappointing him. However, I had to think this through with my family, especially my dad. Would he accept it?

"I will let you know in two days, Mr Ryker," I said coolly as if the intensity of his gaze did not faze me at all. I was great at acting, and perhaps once had a chance as an actress. Too bad I was too awkward. This thought made me smile. 

"No." Damien snapped. The look he shot me was as though it could slice me in half. I gulped, adjusting my expression to a serious one again. Perhaps it would be like this every day, working under him. I mused to myself.

Now I understand how the receptionist feels. I took a deep breath. I've already offended him, but why not go further? There could be no more harm, right?

"You know, you shouldn't do this to your subordinates," I said, glancing sideways at him. 

Instead of being enraged as I had predicted, he looked confused. His quizzical expression almost made me laugh again, and I quickly bit my lip.

"Do what?" He asked, blinking up at me through his thick lashes. I remembered the first time when we just met. Not as a soon-to-be boss and his assistant, but as a man and woman in a bar. How different he seemed. 

I preferred the guy that I had met then. The man that everyone respected, but still knew that he could have a good time. Now, he seemed to be the complete opposite, acting like a douche. Was he even the same man? There was absolutely no resemblance.

"You know, speak in such a manner. It scares people." I said honestly, hoping that he won't take it to heart. 

"Do I scare you, Ms. Trent?" Damien said, focusing his eyes on me intently again. Hold up, that was unexpected.

I didn't expect me to ask about me, and I could only look down at the carpeted office floor, not meeting his gaze. How did he want me to answer his question?

"Not really." I finally responded, deciding to take the brave approach. My heart was pounding again, but not in fear. 

"Good. I don't want you to be scared of me." Damien said, his voice gentler now. He held out his hand, and without thinking, I took it. My heart was still fluttering. It isn't the first time I had held his hand, but it still gave me jitters.

Geez. His mood could change so fast.

His warm touch soothed my skin. He took my hand in his in a handshake kind of way, and he began speaking again. "I would really like you to join my company. I have seen the way you carry yourself, and it is something consistent with my image. Not to mention your excellent credentials, Ms. Trent."

His persuasive words rang through my ears and for some reason, I felt extremely flattered. No one has ever said such a thing to me before and there was a long pause before I found my voice to respond.

"Thank you." That was all I could say. I definitely wasn't ready for this at all. My cheeks were definitely bright red now. 

"I'll give you a day. Let me know your answer by tomorrow evening, 7 pm. Call me when you're ready." He started pacing around the room as if he was restless.

"If you decide to walk away, then it was nice knowing you, Ms. Trent."  He added as an afterthought. He gave me a warm smile, and I could sense no passive aggression in his tone at all. He was really wishing me well, I realized. I would never see him again.

"Sure. I'll let you know, Mr Ryker." I promised in a small voice. 

Then, he clasped my hand again, his warm hand against my cool skin. My hand tingled slightly from the touch. Why was I this affected by him? Geez, he was going to be my boss. With his clear mint scent trailing behind him, he ushered me out into the lobby. 


Thanks for waiting! Hope you guys like the update and please vote or comment of you had liked it :) -With luv, S.

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