Chapter 1- Where It Begins

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Seriously, what kind of father would demand their daughter to do this chore? I groaned in disgust. Only mine will. Yeah, going to a shady club alone to just you know, hang around. This was totally normal for me and me being a Harvard student would fit in perfectly, not conspicuous at all.

I would tell you that I was a spy, but then I'd have to kill you which would be rather inconvenient for me. So I'd rather not but you get my drift.

This was why I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror and checking my appearance furiously, as if I was going to meet Mr Trump. I put on heavy eyeliner and lipstick. Yes, I look naturally gothic now. Awesome.

Finally, I was minimally satisfied with my appearance and moved on to my outfit. A dark blue dress with some killer heels. I tried to comb my hair into submission, but my curly brown hair didn't seem to cooperate much.

Frustrated after a while, I gave up. This would do. I checked the wall clock of my Mandarin Hotel that I was currently staying at. 7:30 . I still had loads of free time on my hands.

Anyone would think that I was a tourist, merely visiting California for a holiday. In actual fact, my breaks from Harvard university meant that I could attend to other matters during that time. By other matters it usually meant taking up a part time job. However, this time it was different. My dad and possibly my sister might be in trouble and I had to save them before it's too late.

However, this mission seemed shady to me because I was not given specific instructions. How was I supposed to know what to do? As irritated as I was, I didn't want to question my dad's authority, considering my whole family's assets were at stake.

I took out my phone and called Emily, my partner in crime. It was always wise to bring backup, just in case. "Hello?" She picked up on the third ring. Briefly, I told her about the plan but was careful not to reveal too much. "Alright, see you there."

She was my roommate at Harvard and was also extremely competent at coding. Ever since we were roommates, she has been my best friend and sidekick. Although she knew that I was wealthy, she has never resented me.

She was visiting her family nearby, so I'd thought that it would be good if she could keep an eye out as well.

7:45. I'd better get going. It would take at least thirty minutes to get there, and I didn't want to be late or I'll get whacked.

I grabbed my bag, carefully checking every essential item. My wallet, phone. I brought a gun with me just in case. I shouldn't have to use it, if things go according to plan. That's if there is actually a plan and not a trap.

Taking one last look around my room, I was out. As if on cue, my cellphone buzzed. There was a text from my professor, Mr Williams. "Remember to read pg 10-" I shut my phone before the message was even halfway read. Ain't nobody got time for that.

I strutted into the elevator, humming a tune. There was a couple in the lift making out. I cleared my throat loudly, attempting to cover the noises they were making but I wasn't successful of course. Geez, get a room but please don't use the elevator.

The elevator ride was painfully long before we reached the carpark. I literally walked as fast as possible to my car without breaking my ankle. I switched on the GPS and pulled out of the carpark quickly.

Finally, I parked my car in a parking lot three blocks away. I checked my watch. 8:25. Emily would have already arrived. You can do this, Kate. Show them who's boss.

The sky was already a little dark at that time and a little chilly. I threw on a matching jacket and started towards Jefferson road. I jogged a little to keep myself from feeling colder than I was.

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