Matt x Reader (FLUFF)

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*Reader is gender neutral.
Also very much fluff in here.

"(YYYYY/NNNNN)!" Matt yelled desperately as you entered the house. His brilliant blue eyes sparkled as he rushed forward, clasping (Y/N) into a huge hug. Spinning them around. (Y/N) laughed into Matt's hood.

"Babe, I was only gone for maybe two hours.." (Y/N) smiled widely as Matt sat them down. Matt pouted, puckering out his bottom lip and making those damn puppy dog eyes that always got (Y/N).

(Y/N) flinched as though they'd been shoved. "Hey! No more of that, you know I can't stand it's cuteness." (Y/N) gently ruffled Matt's hair, "I thought we agreed you'd stop bribing me with that cute face of yours, hm?" They smirked.

It was now Matt's turn to flinch away. He quickly pulled out a small mirror, one you had put in his stocking last Christmas, and fixed his hair. "Hey! You said you wouldn't do that anymore!" He whined, fixing his spikes back in place. Puckering his lips and making faces just for the hell of it.

(Y/N) simply smiled, they're eyes glimmered mischievously. "Well you broke a promise, so I broke a promise. Now we're even." They stuck they're tongue out at their boyfriend, who gasped a gasp worthy of Romeo and Juliet.

(Or, y'know, the weak hearted old people who watch it..)

Matt placed the back of his hand against him forehead, feigning ignorance. "Why, I never dared break a promise! You simply asked me not to, my dear beauty, not made me promise! And I never answered, so HAH!" He stuck his tongue out at (Y/N) towards the end, losing his 'actor' facade in an instant.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him, but shook their head. Smiling, they said, "Oh well. I suppose I might have to go back to the store to think this through..maybe it'll take THREE hours, this time!" They declared, turning to march to the door.

In an instant, Matt had wrapped his arms around their waist from behind. Lifting them up easily with his height, he turned away from the door. "OH NO YA DON'T!!!" He laughed happily, like a young child. He pulled (Y/N) onto the couch with him, cuddling them close. He giggled and booped their nose as they lay facing each other.

Edd poked his head around the corner, then ran to get the home video camera.

(Y/N) pretended to try to bite his finger, getting more cute little giggles from the bean. He booped their nose again and again before sighing, content in their presence. "(Y/N)..." He whispered, staring deeply into their bright (e/c) orbs. (Y/N)'s face went from joking to serious in a snap.

"Hm?" They hummed, letting a small smile of pure contentment appear on their face. "What's wrong, my angel?" They whispered back.

Matt smiled, his eyes sparkling like the ocean. "I love you..very much." He whispered back.

(Y/N) quietly died, but recovered quickly and replied in the same quiet tone, "Really? Because I love you more then their are stars."

Matt frowned. "Heeeeey! I...


I can't think of anything better then that..." Matt paused, starting to concentrate hard on (Y/N)'s face. They were patient as he silently assessed them.

After a nice moment of content-ness, and probably being watched by the others, Matt finally spoke up. "...(Y/N)..?" (Y/N) was pulled from their happy thoughts. Their eyes refocused on his flustered face. "Hm, my angel?" (Y/N) softly said, gently lifting a hand and tracing Matt's jaw line.

Matt shuddered before he looked at them with a very serious expression...or at least, however serious his bean face would allow.

"I love you more then the amount of sins ever made by human beings. I love you more then there is space. I love you more the-"

"Awwwwwww~!" Matt and (Y/N) sat up quickly, only to see a video camera poking around the corner of the hallway. Edd, Tom, and Tord all poking their heads around the corner.

"Angel?" (Y/N) asked with a light voice.

Matt turned to look at her, "Yes, my beauty?"

(Y/N) smiled widely. "I think the boys would like to see your novelty toy collection."

It was short, but it was cute.
Now I need to stop writing for the night before I go blind ...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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