Chapter 34

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[Warning: sexual violation and necrophilia is mentioned in this chapter but nothing too graphic. You've been warned.]

It was a busy morning at Northwood.

Grim was annoyed he couldn't smell anything right, and the hound really should do something about Al trying to cook their lungs medium-rare too.

Because when Grim felt something or rather---nothing beside them in their sheets he began scratching Al's head.

Where's my Fluffy? Grim thought.

The Wolf used Al's arm to feel for their mate that should be sleeping beside them; but Cyrus wasn't there.

Al fucking wake up! Cyrus is missing!
Grim claws through his human's mind to which Al winced sharply from the pain.

The Alpha held the side of his head as he immediately noticed Cyrus isn't in his arms, Al sprung up so quickly, his feet got caught in the blankets and Al toppled over the bed landing on his fat ass at the carpeted floor. "Dammit."

The blonde boy then heard a small hiss.

He drew his eyes up to see Cyrus had just came from the bathroom, and is trying to dress himself with one arm. For the most part, Cyrus managed to put on his pant and boots yet couldn't get the uniform shirt on properly. He was struggling to get his injured arm through it without stretching it out.

The quite young boy looked at Al.

"What happened? Why'd you fell?"

Al was too busy drinking him in.

Half naked and freshly showered.

And god, Cyrus's deep morning voice.

Bitch say something! Grim orders.

"You're morning, good awake." Al felt Grim raise an eyebrow at his answer and so did Cyrus. Al please get your brains out of your asshole for once. You're embarrassing me.

The Alpha stood up straight while rubbing his sorry behind and trying to explain himself. "I mean---you're awake, which is good and I'm good myself, just took a slight tumble from waking up all of the s---"

"I could've unintentionally hurt you."

Al stopped talking, the second he saw Cyrus was staring at him coolly with those same mysterious dark deleting onyx eyes, that resembles the depths of the dead-sea itself.

"Explain; What happened last night."

Al slowly nodded, thinking to himself. Right, I wanna say we finally cuddled in my bed but he might punch my face, I need to assure Cyrus I didn't try any funny business or hurt him. He straighten his stiff posture.

" were sitting asleep, when I got back and you almost fell off your bed. I caught you before it happened." Cyrus was still gazing up at Al.

"And...I thought you'd go fall off your bed if I left you like that, so I took you over to my bed since it's a lot spacious." Al immediately raised his hands in the air. "But I swear! I didn't do anything! or hit you, I...just wanted to make sure you didn't accidentally hurt yourself Cyrus."

Al glance away not wanting to face the bitter and possibly rejection that Cyrus didn't really liked what he'd done. Even if Al had good intentions.

The blonde boy suddenly felt electric sparks; a rough hand on his bare mid chest, fingers spreading onto Al's skin. Looking back into Cyrus's eyes; Al felt the chill of his stare as he unconsciously backed up a step.

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