Chapter 23

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Leaving at the ass crack of dawn, the Head Luna hadn't exactly planned out her strategy of putting Ernie in charge. Sure he was a Beta werewolf, but her nephews and son could easily push the poor guy around. Scratch that; just Al.

Shane wouldn't treat anyone unfairly and...Weiler, he keeps to himself a lot.

Miranda just has to make this urgent out of the country trip quick, then return to Northwood when her little brother is feeling better. Who knows how long can Walter last without someone to handle him, she turned to Ernie and gave him a hug and patted his back.

"Sorry I have to leave you with these teenagers, I'll try to get back ASAP."

Ernie shook his head, tossing Miranda her car keys. "It's fine, be careful and tell the Head Alpha I said hello." She smiled and waved. "You're the best."


She didn't even leave a damn note!? what does auntie expect from me? I can't run her school that's HER fucking job!

Al grunted, hearing the school's speakers earlier announcement about their principal Mrs. Harrison, departing to attend a sudden emergency situation.

Even though Ernie was her assistant he was meek and only good for office work, he won't be able to defend this school and the students if something happens. Shane, him and his cousin were the only known Alphas there are and they were still underage. Al can't also summon the few warriors of their territory that are away guarding the borderlands, they were all scattered throughout the region and he wasn't Head Alpha yet to command them.

The last Blood Moon War took a great number of their respective warriors, but since they won no pack has dared to start another one with theirs. The Alpha doesn't think that will always be the case, even if they're known as the cruelties pack in the country. And the branch packs were all weaklings.

This sucks, why did she have to go.

The rest of all the school's werewolf employees were useless to him. They couldn't fight, Al slammed his fist to the a nearby tree this pleasant break of explosion echoed the forest and wood splinters scattered everywhere. The tree gave way coming down to a loud timber. The Alpha was slipping away.

Into his darker and sinister side.

{Al, where are you? Everyone's already starting to come to the meeting here.} Shane tapped into their mind links.

Al growled aggressively. {I'm not in the fucking mood! Send them back! and just reschedule the meeting for all I care!}

He then hit another tree on his right as Al realised, taking his frustrations out on his little brother isn't gonna solve anything. {Shane...are you all waiting for me?} Al doesn't blame Shane if he won't answer him, Al did yell at him.

{U-um you and Cyrus, he's running late because of cleaning duty after class but he should be her---} The Alpha paused, the mere mention of his mate's name floated around his head. {I'm coming.}

Al then shifted back into Grim as they rushed through the forest and return to the school grounds, he was going to dig up a bag of new clothes that was there buried close to the edge of the forest. Yet he caught a whiff of rainwater, it was approaching his direction and Al drove himself into the nearby bushes.

Shit, why does he have to be here right now. Cyrus can't see us like this Grim.

I dunno, maybe he SHOULD see us.

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