Chapter 05

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"Hello there, my names Miranda Amy Harrison. But you can call me Amy if you want." She offered her confident smile, same one she gave to Denise as they sat down. She placed her hand for Cyrus to take, Amy was expecting him to lash out. Hell, even break her hand.

Anything to hint her Cyrus was as she was counting on to be; a werewolf.

Yet he didn't.

He was just unblinking, his posture sloughing over the table as if paying attention was sucking the energy the boy was using to listen to the women. Cyrus was covered up in his scarf and a off blue shirt, which Amy thought to be inconvenient with the heat of the sun trapped in this shed and him having both barricaded the door and window.

He was weird to say the least.

Cyrus just stared blankly at her hand with his eyes as though she was crazy to give anything but kindness to him. Amy caught on that Cyrus won't ever shake it, and although Amy along with her quite wolf; Saber, were mildly pissed receiving nothing from the strange boy. They stayed composed, because Denise is human and would really flip out if Amy decided to shift then and there.

She isn't used to people not honoring her Alpha status that Cyrus should have picked up, the teen was indifferent.

After what seemed like a long decade, Cyrus turned to Denise and like she is familiar with his gestures, it was him signalling 'Go on' Cyrus wasn't fond of strangers, let alone speaking to them.

Denise cheerfully mused to Amy "As I've told you, this is Amy. She's the head principal of Northwood High School, she came over today to discuss your enrollment there." Amy smirked feeling prideful of herself. "Have you read the pamphlet I slipped under your door?"

Cyrus frowned lowering his head then meekly nodded, Denise leaned in to Amy's ear whispering. "He's kinda...shy."

The boy's head flicked up slightly, it was so brief anyone could've missed this yet Amy and Denise were both startled because they had they're eyes on Cyrus. It was like witnessing a first hand jump scares, even through his thicken bangs Amy knew Cyrus was zoning in his gaze on them. His prominent frowning lips almost forming a weak pout, he hadn't said it though his actions pointed it says 'I heard that' the women were stunned.

Denise awkwardly followed their talk. "Amy here is inviting you to attend her school, and I know this is really sudden, but Cyrus dear. it's the middle of the school year. I don't want you to neglect your studies, be aware years from now our orphanage will have to let you go by yourself." Denise didn't want to yet it was how things are, she couldn't keep Cyrus sheltered here forever either.

He needed to grow up.

Needed to graduate school in order to support himself, Cyrus clearly wasn't going to be adopted. His troublesome reputation and his attitude made sure of this. He knew it as well, that he'd have to get his shit together if he had plans to survive in the real world with everyday normal people. Though the only option he actually had is literally on this very table was Amy's invitation.

Giving education and a chance.

Northwood High School is also a well respected institution for their military like learning program, Cyrus actually took time to read the damn pamphlet and think about his future. There was absolutely nothing for him to return to and Denise has been the nicest person towards him, as the other orphanage staff members detested Cyrus the day he appeared into the aged building.

It was baffling the principal herself is sitting here, managing his opinion to attended the prestigious school. Cyrus thought there had to be a catch, a but, something this woman was keeping in the back of her sleeves, any condition.

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