Day 1 in Venice

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It's the next day, your first day in Venice. You woke up thinking that you were still in New York, but as you looked out the window, the view of Venice glanced at your eyes, and was so relieved you weren't at home.

You got up, took out your clothes, and showered, added a little bit of makeup. You got out your hotel door, and walked through the hallways, on the way to the elevator and lobby. As you walk outside the hotel, you couldn't stop thinking about Sebastian, you looked left just in case he was there again.

You questioned yourself, "Why am I looking for him?"
You continue to call out a boat since its so called the 'Floating City'.
You got to your boat, and looked around the beautiful city of Venice, it was so beautiful that you took so many pictures of every angle.

You stopped at the St. Mark's Basilica, a church full of birds and a famous tourist spot. You brought out your phone and took videos of how people are so full of happiness, giving treats to those birds.

As you turned around, there were so many filming cameras, as if someone was filming a movie, you hear a mean yell "Action!", after those words were said, everyone was so normal, they had to act normal.

These two men were walking in character, as you looked closer, you saw Sebastian, at least now you know what he's famous for, a movie actor.
You really hoped that you weren't seen in those cameras, or the day they'll release that movie, you're absolutely screwed.

"Cut!" the same man yelled.
Sebastian glanced at you and walked directly to you, "Hey! Y/n!" He called out your name.

As Sebastian was stopped by you,
"So your a movie actor huh?" You asked.
"Yeah. So, what are you doing here?" He responded.
"Oh, I just heard that this was a really famous place in Venice." You replied back.

His fans are were screaming out his name non stop while you were talking, he smiled at his fans and waved.

"Sebastian!" Called the director.
"Hey! It's really nice to see you here, I have to go." He told to you.
You smiled back at him and waved.

You were so glad you got to see him, but so surprised that he was actually filming a movie in Venice. You saw those steel blue eyes all over again. But you never got to know what his last name was, so you asked those screaming girls at the back,

"Hey, what's his name? The one your screaming for?" You asked that blonde girl with a cardboard saying 'We love you!'
"Oh you? You don't even know who he is?" As she questioned you in a very judging face expression.
"Sebastian Stan." The girl added.
"Okay! Thanks" You responded.

It was so weird, it seemed that his fans hated you and judged you. They were probably just bitter because of how he approached you. He was so kind, but his name was not familiar to you.

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