The Summer Breeze of Venice

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As you walked out, 3 feet away from the guy you saw from the New York Airport, it looked like you were together, and were taken paparazzi photos.

You thought to yourself, "Oh god, this is bad! what will my mom and dad think of this?"
but you never mind that, since you were there, alone.

You hopped in your rented vintage Mustang, and drove to the hotel you booked at. It was an 8 Star hotel, and it didn't matter what the price was to you.
There was this 10 Star hotel that you planned on booking at too, but you needed to be lowkey.

You went to the lobby and told the hotel manager your name "For y/n  Robertson?" you asked.
"Ah yes, so happy to see you Miss Robertson, let me guide you to yours suite."
As you walked through the hallways, it kind of reminded you of home, nevertheless, you were so full of excitement.

"Here's your room, have a nice stay Miss Robertson" as the hotel manager left.
"Thank you." You replied back.

You jumped at that bed, the hotel room was so vintage and full of emerald green paint, with some amazing artworks hanged on the wall. You were so amazed.

You put down your bags and took out an outfit to be in, and decided to explore Venice. As you walked outside, you see that guy from the airport on your left, he was walking towards you. It made you nervous, and started asking yourself so many questions.

"Hi!" As he introduced himself and put out his hand to be shook,
"Hi!" You responded nervously, and shook his hand.
You tried walking away, but instead, he walked with you,
"I believe I haven't introduced myself, My names Sebastian, I saw you in the airport a few hours ago."
You nodded your head and smiled at him.
"Yea, me too, well, I'm glad to have known you Sebastian" You replied.

He looked at you so confused, as if you were suppose to know who he was. Not only was he confused, you as well. He looked so charming, with that smile.. you didn't get to see his eyes since he was still wearing those sunglasses.

"Well? Nice to have known you too..?" as he waited for you to say your name.
"Oh, y/n" I told him.
"Y/n. You've got a nice name." He smiled at you and took off those sunglasses.

God those steel blue eyes. Those dashing blue eyes.

"I have to go, It's really nice to meet you, Sebastian."
As you walked away from him.
You finally knew who he is, well, atleast his first name.
You wonder, what's he famous for? you get why those girls outside the airport were screaming their lungs out calling him out, but what for?

You continued to walk down the street and wandered around Venice, with no one telling you what to do and what not to.

"God, I'm so glad I made this decision." you told yourself so relieved.

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