Officially Yours Part I

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It's the next day, the day where Sebastian will officially meet your parents. You just woke up, ate breakfast, and got ready to go to Sebastian's place, you called him to make sure he was home, since he always had business meetings and calls.

"Hey V, What's up?" He responded as he answered your call. "Are you home? I'm on my way to drop by, so I could tell you the news." You asked, "Yes indeed I am, I'll wait for you." He answered. You went on your way to the Upper East Side, and arrived Sebastian's apartment, and knocked.

He opened the door, and hugged you so warmly, you missed him, his hug, and comfort that you felt. "Hey V, I missed you a ton." He whispered softly in to your ears as he was still carrying you. He puts you to the ground, and you kissed him so gently. "I missed you too Seb.." You respond. You both walked inside his apartment,

"Soo, I got some news for you.." You told him, "My mom has invited you tonight for dinner, to officially meet Sebastian Stan, is that okay?" You asked. "Why wouldn't it be? But for now, can I cuddle you up? I missed you so so much." He walked towards you and dragged you to bed. "So? Is that a yes?" You asked while you were bundled up in his arms, "Yes, I will go and meet your parents Miss Robertson." He chuckled.

Finally, your parents will finally meet the love of your life, the guy you fell in love with in Venice. But you see? He hasn't officially asked you to be his girlfriend, well atleast, not yet. You fell asleep in his arms, but as you woke up, he was gone. There were rose petals trailing to the living room, and there you found a note, 'meet me on the rooftop -seb' , said the note. You were mesmerized. You went on your way to the rooftop.

As you arrived, there were fairy lights that reminded you of the place that Sebastian took you to in Venice, the busy yellow cabs and the buildings of New York, you saw it all there, the starry night. You see Sebastian walking in as he held your hands,

"Hey V.." He said, "What is this Seb?" You asked, as you were softly smiling looking down at all those buildings. "I haven't officially asked you this but..", You looked back at his eyes and smile, "...Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked so nervously but with a smile on his face. "Are you kidding? No shit, of course I'd want to be yours, I'm so inlove with you.." You said so gently, as you kissed him.

"Hey, we're gonna be late for your parents' dinner" Sebastian said. "Oh crap, let's go!" As you held his hands on the way to the elevator. "Seb, you look great, but for me I have to dress up, I look like hell." You told him, "Alright, but you don't look like hell" He responded. You both went back to the apartment and looked for clothes to wear, and after 15 minutes, you found one. You both went on your way to your parents' apartment. But as you & Sebastian went down, there was paparazzi's outside.

You walked out and camera lights started flashing at the both of you, the paparazzi's were asking a tom of questions, "Y/n Robertson are you dating now?" "Sebastian Stan is it official?", the paparazzi's said in a very loud voice. Sebastian softly put his hands on your back and went on your to the car.

"Are you okay?" He asked, as you were still anxious after all that. "I'm fine Seb" You told him, while you smiled.

After 15 minutes, you've arrived. Sebastian, opened the car door for you, and held your hands. The staff in the apartment building was glancing at the both of you, "Is that Sebastian Stan?" you head from a distance. You both went to the elevator and on your way up to your parents' apartment.

As you arrived, your mom and dad welcomed the both of you, but your mom went towards to Sebastian. "Oh you must be Sebastian" Your mom said, as she hugged him, "You are so handsome" Your mom added and let go of that hug. "Okay mom, that's enough." You told your mom, as your dad went to shake Sebastian's hand. "Good evening sir." Sebastian said to your dad, as their hands shook.

All of you approached the dining table and had the most amazing dinner. Sebastian was sat across you, and so was your mom and dad.  "So, Sebastian I heard you do lots of acting huh?" Your dad asked, "Yes sir" Sebastian answered politely, "Well, tell me about it.." Your dad responded. "Well, I've been in atleast 35 hollywood movies" Sebastian answered. "Good for you, no wonder why you look so familiar, you're the guy from Captain America The Winter Soldier yeah?" Your dad asked again, "Yes, I was the Winter Soldier" Sebastian chuckled.

Your dad was surprisingly liking Sebastian, your dad has always been a fan of movies. After all those questions, you ate and chatted for 5 minutes, and was finally done.

Authors Note:
Hey besties! This is part one, swipe up, for the second part!! hope you enjoyed this one. xx

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