Feels Like Home.

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It's 2 days after you arrived in New York, you needed to go back home and talk to your parents about how it went, or atleast half of it, since they probably didn't care. You've gotten to know Sebastian even more, you fell more inlove with him. He had personalities that he never showed to anyone else, he's literally been singing 'Hungry Eyes' 24 hours.

He's so adorable, he's the man of your dreams. Ofcourse he also had work, so he needed to go virtual meetings for an hour or two, and you'll always miss him by your side. You needed to meet your parents and get back home today.

"Seb!!" You call out his name while he was playing 'Hungry Eyes' for the 4th time this day. "Y/n!!" He mocks you jokingly. "I have to get back to my parents, I'll try to get back here as soon as I can okay?" You tell him, "Alright, I'll miss you.." As he kisses your head and you left.

You go for a walk on your way to your parents' apartment , and surprisingly you missed the cold breeze and people walking around you, and New York, where you were born and raised. You missed it, no matter how hard it has been for you.

As you arrive, the doorman welcomed you. "Hello Miss Robertson! We miss you!" As he opened the door for you and you headed to the elevator going up to your parents' apartment, you were glad there were no paparazzi's waiting for you outside the building.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" You called them out.
Your mom comes rushing into you and gave you the warmest hugs. "Oh honey! I missed you so much!" Your mom said, still grabbing on to you, "Where's your boyfriend? That Romanian actor, Sebastian Stan is it?" She adds. "Oh god, you've seen the photos." You reply with curiosity.

You're dad went downstairs to welcome you, with his phone on his ear, and still doing business. Nothing's change. "Hey hon!" He says as he walked passed you and waved. You smiled back and talked to your mom, "Oh honey, your dad missed you, he couldn't stop worrying about you." Your mom told you, "C'mon tell me all about Sebastian Stan." As your mom grabbed your hand going to your room.

Atleast you felt like someone cared when you arrived, your dad always being on business calls 24/7, you hated it.

You sat on your bed with your mom, "Okay hon, tell me all about him, is he a good in bed?" Your mom asks sarcastically. "Mom! Jesus, stop! He's great, an amazing actor, and the best. He's such a dream mom, I never felt this with anyone else." You respond, softly smiling. "Oh Y/n.. you're growing up,  I forgot to tell you, we bought you an apartment for your 25th birthday, it's on the Upper East Side. I need to meet this Sebastian Stan, he made you fall madly inlove." Your mom says. You hug your mom as she handed you the key to your apartment.

"Alright mom, probably dinner tomorrow, I'll invite him over, is that alright? And please tell dad to be there." You told your mom, "Thanks for the apartment mom, I love you." You gave her the warmest hug.

You got ready for bed. Sebastian suddenly facetimes you, and of course you answered it.

"How'd it go?" He asked.
"Same as always, dad on business calls, and mom's happy for us, in-fact she told me they bought an apartment for me, and I've got news for you tomorrow, I'll drop by." You tell him.
"I miss you already.. Goodnight V!" He responded.
"V?" You asked with doubt.
"V, like Venice, where I fell inlove with you. Goodnight." He explained and said the warmest goodnight to you. "Goodnight Seb.." As you end the call.

This day went well, you somehow missed your bed, your mom always being your bestfriend. You looked at your new apartment keys as you went to bed, you put it on your bedside table, and slept warmly.

Authors Note:
You guys! More than 60 readers?! I can't believe it! I love ya'll so much! Thanks so much for the support, I promise this won't be ending yet! Hope you love this chapter, I'm working on to the next! xx 🤎🤎

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