5. Soup 🐝

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Tubbo pov

"Hi! It's me again :D"

Timestamp: 15 minutes

Hmm.. The text is already 15 minutes old and she still didn't even read it.. Maybe I'm annoying.. Did she see that I texted her? Maybe she saw it and just wanted a break of me..

It's boring just sittimg here with my phone.. I could go on twitter.. It's fun but I want to go on discord.

I went to my gaming set-up and watched out for voice channels with people..

Tommy is online but isn't in any voice chat right now... I can't stop thinking about y/n right now but maybe Tommy can help me or even tell me if it's really a crush.

"Hello Tubbo" he said

"hi Tommy"

awkward silence

"What's the cause for your call? Normally you just join one of the vc" Tommy said curious

"I don't know how to begin but.... I- I met someone really nice today" I said a bit shy because this was my first convo about love

"Ohhh a girl? Or a u gay? I obviously would accept you my friend. As a lesbian I'm also part of the rainbow squad"

A/N :
If u don't understand the joke: Tommy was once confused if he is a lesbian because he likes girls but as a boy he obviously isn't.

"No I'm definitely not gay because this girl can't get out of my mind." I said with humour

"Oh okey tell me more about her, as your Friend I'm pretty curious" Tommy said wanting to show me how much he supports me.

Y/N pov

"Thanks mom, the soup tasted me very well." I said while pulling my chair under the table.

"Your welcome" my mom said back

Even eating couldn't distract me from Tubbo. If he already texted me? I don't know.. I could wait like an idiot in front of my phone just for a boy I met like an hour ago or I could watch TV.

Watching TV is surely the better option but it wouldn't distract me so I just gonna go on my phone.


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@/tubbolive wants to send you a message

"What?!" I shouted. It wasn't too loud but my brother, who shares with me a wall, heard it.

He came into my room and asked me what the matter was.

"nothing" I said fast. It was too easy to mention how embarrassed I was.

"mhm" he said "I don't believe you. Spill the tea sis" He said curious and giggled a bit. He wouldn't normally speak like that but he tried to make me more comfortable so I wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"I don't have the time for that right now" I said with the phone in my hand

"Okey I don't have the motivation to force you but I surely will get it out of you. I'm gonna keep playing with the boys now" he said and left the room. Obviously he left the door open just as every annoying brother.

I closed the door and jumped ob my bed.

Soo I'm curious what he wrote...

"Hi! It's me again :D"

Ok he probably isn't a dry texter because this message is literally perfect. No cringe emoji or too serious.

What am I gonna answer?

If I write hi back it will look like I just copied him so I'm gonna write hey. But what's gonna follow? Should I apologize fir answering so late? I don't know he probably didn't even care.. I'm gonna do it anyway just to be sure. He shouldn't think I always answer late.

"Hey, I'm really sorry for answering so late. I ate something while charging my phone in a different room"

Now I just need to add the same energy as he texted with:

"Hey! I'm really sorry for answering this late :(
I ate something while charging my phone in a different room"

This is it. I'm gonna send the message now.

Tubbo pov

I heard the notification sound of my phone.

Maybe y/n texted me finally back...

I took my phone from the desk and saw that I got a new DM by y/i/u [your instagram username].

"Tommy I'm gonna go AFK now, y/n texted back." I said.

"Ok Tubbo good luck with her." He answered.

"Bye" I said with an excited voice.

"Bye" He answered. He didn't sound like he would be mad at me for directly leaving just for y/n and I was happy about it.

Let me check what she answered...

"Hey! I'm really sorry for answering this late :(
I ate something while charging my phone in a different room"

Either this is a lie so I'm not sad or it's the truth and I overthink too much. She was nice and I don't think she can act so good because there wasn't any moment I thought she was lying so I believe her.

"It's okay don't worry :) What did you eat?"

Just sent it without overthinking. But maybe she thinks it's awkward that I ask her what she ate.. Maybe I sound like a stalker...

"I ate soup :) I rly like soup lol even tho sooo many ppl I know don't like it. I don't know why because there are soo many soups and I'm pretty sure anyone could finde one that is tasty for them."
- y/n

Ok that's a long text. I thought she would write a paragraph why I'm a stalker but that's wat better. She doesn't mind sharing information about herself I guess.

"Do u like soup? :3"
- y/n

Ehm do I like soup? Of course I do soup is like a little child for me.. Wait I could write her that maybe she thinks it's funny

"Yeah I like soup, soup is tasty :) Soup is like a little child for me"


"haha u are funny I like that :D"
- y/n

did she just... did she just compliment me? So many people on the internet tell me that I'm funny but- but this hits different even tho I appreciate all the nice words of my community.

wordcount: 1039

Idk if ppl are still interested in this story but I'm back and I'm gonna be active!!!!

I got a new phone so I wasn't logged in my acc anymore buuut I got my account back after like half a year or sum. But THANKS FOR THE VIEWS OMG THATS A LOT
maybe bot for other but definetly for me. I'm gonna try doing minimum one chapter per week, can't tell how much I can write as soon as I have school lol

The bee I saw that day~ Tubbo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now