lll : moments

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“Lily, we need to do the dishes!” I pretty much yell at her from across the room, this plan has to be perfect.

“Ugh.” She groans, “I’m tired Kay, the house looks fine.” She says gesturing around at her nice two story house on the out-skirts of London.

“Yeah, but Niall is going to be here soon, and when he is here we are switching roles. We have gone through this plan so many times Lily, we can’t give up now!” I say grabbing her wrist and pulling her into the kitchen.

I had stacked all of the dishes in the sink so that I could wipe the granite countertops clean quickly, because of all of the other chores that were to be done, I forgot a chore as simple as dishes.

But also, if you don’t get what are plan was, let me explain.

This is Lily’s home. She is an only child with two happy married parents. Her house is nice, and all of the furniture inside isn’t cheap. But on the other hand, I am an only child, the only child that my parents fought over for the time that they were married. I live with my father after he framed my mother and got a restraining order on her. They divorced and she now lives in the city doing better than she ever could have living with my father. My father. An abuser. Of everything. Me, drugs, women, anything that you can abuse, he does. I get beaten on a regular basis, along with him being drunk half of the time, he never lets me eat, and never cares about anything that has to do with me.

So the plan was for Lily and I to switch places around Niall. It works fine because Lily’s parents look more like mine. Niall won’t know, and he never will. And even Lily’s parents have agreed to for my sake.

I finish up the dishes along with my mind finishing a run through of our plan. I wipe my wet hands on the towel just as the doorbell rings.

“Got It!” I yell across the house.

I run to the front door and smile at Niall. He is covered up in a heavy jacket and his nose is a bright red, and he looks absolutely adorable. He gives me a cheeky smile before I tell him, “Come in! It’s cold outside!”

I shoo him inside and he takes off his jacket and places it on the hook by the door.

“Welcome!” I say to Niall, as Lily walks into the room.

She and Niall talk while I yell, “Mum, Dad, he is here!” I yell to my ‘parents’.

And on cue, they walk in with smiles on their faces. In that moment, for once, I let myself believe that I have a nice life, with two loving parents, and a nice house. Not a run-down apartment, with a devil as a father, and hell as life.

Mr. Haven puts his arm around me and Mrs. Haven hugs Niall like she is welcoming him to the family. 

After my ‘Mum’ let’s Niall go he shakes my ‘Father’s' hand firmly. I grab his hand and announce to them all. “I am going to give Niall the tour.”

They all nod at me as I take him down the hall, and showing him the kitchen, and dining room, the lounge and the master suite.

“I wanna see your room Kay.” He says intertwining our fingers.

My room. That is something I didn’t think about. Lily’s has her name and her pictures all over it so I can’t use that room.

“Umm, my room is a mess. Maybe next time?” I say to him, shrugging my shoulders.

“C'mon Kay, you and I both know that you are a clean freak.”

Dammit, I wish he didn’t know me so well already. “Umm, fine.” I say, leading him to the guest room, which is pretty much my other room considering that it has my clothes and a duplicate of everything I have at my house in it.

“Here we are.” I say to him, opening the door.

He walks in and instantly jumps on the bed, patting the stop next to him for me to join him. I walk over cautiously and sit on the bed next to him. 

I grab the remote next to my bed and turn off the lights, and the stick on stars glow. This used to be Lily’s room, but when she got bigger and wanted the bigger room she left her little girl stars behind.

“What are you doing tomorrow evening Kay?” Niall asks me.

“Nothing, I think.” 

 “You wanna go see a movie in the theatre?”

I haven’t been to see a movie in the longest time.

“Sure!” I say rolling to face him. He smiles at me before pulling out his phone. Way to ruin the cuddling moment Niall.

He clicks for the camera, and then pulls me closer to him, holding the phone up.

“Smile Kay.” He tells me.

“Only if you don’t post it anywhere. I don’t want to get mobbed.”

He laughs at me, “I won’t. It will be my background, that way I will always be able to see you smile even if you’re not with me.”

And so I smile with him and he clicks the button, capturing the moment in time.

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