ll : hurt

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I look up and the girl standing in front of me squeals, I look into her eyes and give a weak smile, then I look back down and sign the CD she had put in front of me on the table. I pass it to Harry who was next and looked up again and down the line. My eyes catch on a girl with light natural coloured hair and piercing green eyes like Harry’s. She was tall but not taller than me and was skinny. Her friend was only a couple inches shorter than her and wore the same sized clothes as the first girl, with brown curls which were pretty with their out of control look, her eyes matched mine. I look back over to the blonde and try to catch her eye, while signing another poster.

Slowly the girl comes closer and my stomach screams at me louder and louder to eat. If I can sign the girls stuff last then go for lunch I could maybe talk to her. She is only a few people away when the girl behind her speaks to her.

“Wow, what an attention whore you are, showing off your cuts to the boys hoping for some sympathy, how pathetic.”

She freaks out a little bit and lifts up her wrists into her sight, and her eyes grow as she looks to her friend. “I forgot my jacket in the car Lily.”

The brunette looks around her, “I don’t know what to do Kay, maybe you could use my mums.”

 The girl who she called Lily picks up her phone and calls someone, but when she shakes her head at Kay, it was obvious that they didn’t answer. “Just don’t let them see the cuts Kay.” She says to the frantic blonde.

Kay puts her wrists into her shirt and hides all its contents, while I nudge Harry beside me. I whisper what I heard fast to him and he noticeable checks the both of them out then quickly slashes his tongue across his lips wetting them at the sight of the girls. I will admit, they were pretty.

Finally the moment of truth comes when she comes up to me and quickly puts down the journal that I suppose she wanted me to sign, but I was too caught up when I saw off of the cuts, red and scarred, that had flashed into my view for only a few seconds. Then I realized what she was trying to hide, but I also realized what I had to do.

I smiled up at her, removing the worried look from her pale face, and signed her journal, also asking her to stay after so I could talk to her, and then flip the page for the next boy to sign. I sign her friend’s poster, and right as the girl who was quite rude to Kay comes up to the line, I stand up, stretching my arms and saying openly that I was hungry and wanted lunch.

Kay caught on quickly and giggled at the end of the line where Liam was checking her out. A flash of jealousy shot through my veins and I tried to rid it as soon as it came, not wanting to come off that way to a girl I barely even knew.

I walked over to them and cleared my throat as an announcement of my presence. She took the journal from the hands of Liam, who made sure that their fingers brushed, and she blushed at the gesture. He smiled up at her I walked around as she opened her journal and her eyes were caught at my writings as I tried to get another look, but longer at her wrists. I cock my head to the side just the slightest bit and get a perfect view, and she doesn’t catch me just yet because her eyes were busy with my penmanship.

She looks up at me just as my eyes dart away guiltily from her arms, but she saw. Her eyes trace the line of where mine were looking and she covers her arms up in her shirt once more. Her cheeks turn a dark shade of crimson as she looks to the tiles on the floor for a distraction.

I walk around Liam, and by the look in his eyes, a sadden look, he saw them as well. I come up to her and block out the screams of the fans, place one of my hands softly on the small of her back as I lead her away from all of the fans, and one lustful Liam.

She walks just a little bit faster than me, meaning that my hand was only barely touching her, but the touch still made electricity shoot up through my spine and it spread a certain kind of happiness along with the feeling of want, the feeling of wanting more. I lead her into the building and we get lost, I have never been here before so getting lost was just what I needed, and wanted.

My hand removes itself from her back and I grab her wrist, pulling her to a stop.

“Let’s talk.” I start out, using an obvious ice breaker.

“Okay?” she questions me; it was transparent that she was confused by my actions.

“What's your name?” I ask her a question that I am sure I know that answer too.

“Kay and you’re Niall.” God she’s adorable.

I was about to ask another question but she cut me off, “Why?”


“Why me, there are plenty of other girls out there,” she says pointing back from where we came, “Prettier girls, more perfect girls, so why me? I’m neither of those.” She snuggles her arms deeper into her shirt, hiding them from all eyes.

“Because.” I say, grabbing her hands, and pulling them away from her, “You’re beautiful, and you let off this certain vibe that I have never felt before.” I talk to her softly with slowly bringing one of her arms up to my face.

I kiss one cut, a simple one, small but it would still leave a scar.

"Please stop."

I look in her eyes; they have glass over, and the green stands out even more now. I drop her hands and pull her into a tight Horan hug.

At first she stood there, limp; but after a short amount of time, her hands and arms made their way around as she cried silently.

“Kay, can I have your number? I want to see you again.” I asked her through her cries. She laughed a bit in surprise, and then started hiccupping. My god I had never seen something so cute. Wait; did I really just say that?

“Of course.”

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