V : runaways

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I walk into the flat that me and the boys are sharing while we are on break from tour and are instantly greeted by 4 happy faces.

“Niall!” Louis yells to me from the couch in the lounge room, “How was your picnic with Kay!”

“Fine.” I mutter, still not ready to accept the fact that she won’t let me help her.

“Whoa, what happened?” Harry says, he knows that something went off the tracks.

“Nothing, just leave me alone.” I say, angry. But I shouldn’t be taking my anger out on the boys; they weren’t what caused it in the first place.

I walk into my room and flop onto the bed, frustrated. I didn’t want Kay to be gone. I really liked her; I felt something while I was with her that no other girl could give off.  A certain vibe that rumbled in my heart and filled it with joy. And I loved it, I loved her, yet I couldn’t love her, she couldn’t be the one, right?

Liam walks into my room, and I can tell he is trying to contain a smile, I knew he wanted to be with Kay, and not me.

“What happened Ni.” He starts off, “None of us like seeing you like this.”

“You only want to know so you can go ask her out yourself Liam! Get out!” I practically yell at him.

He puts his hands up in surrender and walks out and that is my breaking point. I sob into my pillow, and after about 5 minutes I feel someone’s hand on my back, rubbing it.

I look up and there sits Zayn. “Hey buddy what happened?” he asked me.

“She… she… she did… didn’t think… she was... goo... good enough for me… so she used Lily’s house… as her own... and I followed her home… to her real home… and her father yells at her… and he beats her… Zayn I could hear him Hit her!” I say sitting up, tears still sitting and sliding on my cheeks. “And I didn’t try hard enough… she’s gone, she won’t let me help her.”

“Oh Niall.” He says.

I jump off the bed and slip on my shoes. “I gotta help her.”

“Go get ‘em.” Zayn says.


I walk up to what I thought was Kay’s house and knock on the door, it getting answered by Lily.

“You... You aren’t supposed, Kay.” She stutters.

“Its fine Lily, I know. I followed her home.”

“IS THAT WHY SHES MISSING?!” she yells at me, “YOU DROVE HER TO THAT! SHE RAN OFF NIALL, THERE IS NO TRACE!” she screams before breaking down. “Nothing Niall, nobody knows anything. She’s gone.”

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