CH 1 - Tale 1: Skin-Walkers

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For many years, the town of Creekwood thought they could keep their secrets hidden from the public. A secret that stretched a long time in history.

The disappearance of many women, men, children, and even animals were pushed under the rug. The oldest people in Creekwood would all say the same thing about these disappearances in their town. Layla's grandmother always talked about the sightings she had of skin-walkers in the area.

The stories dated back into her childhood. Layla always found it hard to believe her grandmother, but in some sort of way she knew it was possible for her stories to be true. In one of her grandmother's stories, she claimed her and her friends were being chased by a creature that was mimicking their voices. They were running for so long, their adrenaline was pumping, and they did not want to stop running until they felt safe. They made it home safely, but that night made them understand why their town had such strict curfews.

Layla was bored one night after a long day of testing at school. She was tired, but she also wanted to enjoy the night breeze outside. Layla called her best friends Dola and Clementine. Both of them were excited to go out because they felt the same effects of the stupid tests given at their school.

Dola and Clementine took about 10 minutes walking to Layla's house. When they arrived at her front door, Layla was waiting on her porch. She screamed at them. "Finally, you bitches were taking forever". Dola screamed back. "Hurry up we want to go chill at the park dude."

Clementine stayed quiet the whole time afraid that neighbors would be nosy about the conversation going on. They started walking towards Creekwood's National Park while blasting music on a bluetooth speaker Dola owned. They were talking about how they still had to take tests for a whole week. "The whole point of tests are to make students feel stupid anyways". Dola said. Clementine interrupted her with a confused expression on her face. 'You make it seem like it's so difficult. You just have to study and most of the questions are basic concepts from the subjects we have been learning since middle school". Dola and Layla stared at each other for a split second before yelling "NERD!!!" at the same time.

They all started laughing while walking on the middle of the road. The night sky looked amazing and the woods to their left and right gave off the smell of nature. Nights like these helped them throw their stress away even for just a couple hours. The music was suddenly cut off, and Layla tried reconnecting it to Dola's iphone bluetooth but it wasn't working. Layla stared at them with a frantic face expression. "It was the SKINWALKERS!!!!". She couldn't contain herself and started laughing.

Clementine and Dola started laughing as well. Their laughter was loud, but it was interrupted by the bluetooth speakers amplifying the sound of their laughter. It was exactly similar. Their tone. The volume. They were all suddenly quiet. The fear in all their faces was serious this time. They were looking around in the woods trying to find the person who was messing with them.

The speaker started producing static and a loud whisper came out of the speaker. " Can you see Me?". Clementine started running full force towards the park without saying anything. Dola and Layla started running with her too. They didn't look because they were afraid of what they would see. The exhaustion was hitting them. Their sides were hurting and tears were running down their eyes. "What the fuck was that!!!!". Dola yelled as they were catching their breath. Layla was still trying to process what they heard. Clementine just wanted to go home, but they would have to go back to the area where the sounds occurred. Clementine suddenly started telling them to be quiet because she was hearing something. Clementine's eyes started tearing up, and she quickly covered her mouth. Layla grabbed her hand and tried comforting her. "What do you hear Clementine?". Clementine responded with her hands still covering her mouth. "I hear my mom yelling for help". Dola grabbed her and stared at her directly at her eyes. "It is not your mom. Don't fall for it.". Layla looked around at the empty parking lot at the park for anyone who could be nearby. She looked into the woods, and saw her grandmother staring at her. Her grandmother was waving her hands in a motion telling Layla to come to her. "Grandma, why are you out here so late. I thought you were asleep.". Her grandmother just smiled while hiding behind a tree. Layla was in this sort of possession where she couldn't focus on anything else except her grandmother's figure. Layla started walking towards the tree, but Dola grabbed her hand. "Don't you dare fucking leave us". Layla snapped out of the state she was in earlier. She looked back at the tree and still saw the figure. Only this time it wasn't her grandmother. It was this figure with glowing white eyes and pale white skin staring at her.

She screamed, and started running back the way they were coming from. The creature immediately got on all fours after the scream and started running towards them. Clementine ran into the woods crying hysterically while Dola and Layla ran back to the road. Clementine was running as fast as she could, but her vision was blurry because of her tears. "Stop running I'm not going to hurt you". "We want to help you". "Look behind you". All these whispers were surrounding her, but she kept running. In her peripheral vision she could see two figures. One on her left and one on her right. They looked human but they were running on all fours like wolves. Their skin was pale white, and their eyes were glowing white. She screamed out. "LEAVE ME ALONE!". The loudest blood curdling screech came out of the creatures after she screamed. It left her ears ringing. She could feel blood dripping from her ears. Clementine kept running. All she could think of was her mother and little brother back at home. She didn't want to be just another body found in the woods. She wanted to live. She turned to look at one of the creatures and it was disguised as her mother. "Honey stop running I want to help you". She stared while breaking out in tears, but still running as fast as she could. She turned to her left and the creature was disguised as her little brother. She looked forward and saw three more figures that looked like the ones she had seen before. They got on all fours to run towards her. It was over. She knew in the last moments of her life that she would be murdered. Clementine closed her eyes while blood was dripping from her ears. Knowing her fate wasn't the outcome she wanted. Layla and Dola made it back to Layla's house. They immediately called the cops. Layla explained everything to her Grandmother. Her grandma understood, and immediately believed what they were both saying. Layla and Dola were interviewed by the police, and brought up Clementine quickly. The last time they saw her she was running into the woods.

Layla Carter and Dola Simmons made it home safely, but reported their friend missing after claiming they were chased by unidentified beings. This is one of many cases that are similar. Clementine Rodriguez was reported missing after last being seen running into the woods by Creekwood's National Park. On April 5, 2010 (4 months after missing) her body was found in the woods. Her torso was torn up and her legs were missing. The case was declared a homicide and there is an ongoing police investigation.

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