I'm Lost

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After reading too much Sorina fanfics, I have decided that I have to write one too. This is my first fanfic hehe

This takes place after the events of BLUE. Soma will be a bit OOC (and maybe even the other characters because I suck at this)

Disclaimer: I don't own Shokugeki no Soma, Yuto Tsukuda does!


Chapter 1

I'm Lost

Spaced out – that's what Yukihira Soma is doing right now. Just a week after BLUE, all of the Elite Ten members and PSD kids are starting to notice this kind of behavior that Soma is showing. Sure he was always laid back and had that relaxed facial expression, but now... he looked like he's lost.

Tadokoro Megumi saw the redhead on the bench, body spread out and head's up the sky wearing that same spaced out expression again.

Holding the elite ten paper works in her arms, she approached Soma with a worried look on her eyes. For some reason these past few days, Megumi can't bear with Soma's involuntary silence.

Of course she'd be worried, Soma is important for her after all.

"A-ano, Soma-kun?" Megumi said in just audible voice, not wanting to startle Soma all of a sudden. But Soma can't hear her, for he is in depths on his thoughts.

Megumi put the paper works on the bench and try to shake Soma's shoulder gently while calling out his name. At that point, Soma had noticed her.

"Ah! Megumi-san, s-sorry I got lost in thought for a sec" Soma chuckled nervously after that, his hand rubbing the back on his neck.

"For a second? You seemed to do this for a while now" The bluenette spoke out of concern "It's very unusual for you to behave this way, was it because you lost to Nakiri-san?"

Soma's eyes widen at that part as he put on a bittersweet smile "No it's not that, I can assure you. To be honest, I have to be at least upset about losing to her but... I could actually care less about it" he said, that last statement perplexed the bluenette.

Everyone in that tournament saw that Soma give his all to that dish, so losing with that dish would make Soma upset. Everyone thought he'll shake in defeat and some thought that his behavior after blue was the cause of that defeat.

Megumi was one of the people who had thought about that too, but now. As she got a good look in his golden eyes, there was no signs of being defeated. And after hearing the redhead's statement, his eyes shows other kind of melancholy. And what's with the bittersweet smile?

It was rather, tense... and her worries had reached new places for the redhead. So she pressed a bit.

"Then what is it?"

There was a pause in the air until Soma answered "It's just something and I don't know what"

Again, Megumi was baffled at that answer. She can't help but get this feeling that she can't help him. But she tried to comfort her friend anyway.

"Whatever that is troubling you now, just know that I'll be here to hear what's gotten on you okay?" Megumi smiled at him warmly, "Sure" Soma said as he smiled back at her genuine statement.

Megumi took the paper works to her arms again "Now come on, the Elite Ten meeting is about to start".

Then she chuckled, trying to at least lighten Soma's mood, same for her own as well "You have forgotten about that haven't you?" then Soma looked at her with a grin plastered on his face "Do I ever?" he said smugly making the bluenette smiled widely at Soma's aloofness.

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