Walk the Night

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Disclaimer: SNS ain't mine

Walk the Night

Asahi and Erina froze to see the redheaded chef in front of them. No words escaped from their mouth.

If someone saw the three of them, they might think they have a staring competition, but also might run away from such heavy atmosphere around the three known chefs.

But the latter can't be said the same for Soma, as for him though, he looked at Asahi first then unto Erina. Not sure why the two of them are looking at him like that. He figured that maybe because of his injury.

"Ah" Soma spoke first, letting Asahi and Erina break out from their trance. "If the two of you are thinking about my injury, it's okay the nurse said I'll be fine" the redhead said nonchalantly.

Asahi then looked at his "rival's" injury. "O-Oh uhm..." but couldn't speak freely, as the atmosphere was weighing down at him so he blurted out "Erina and I are half-siblings"

The honey-blonde haired princess winced. Not sure what to speak.

Soma just tilted his head and chuckled "Not surprising!" as he moves forward towards the two "Both of you looks awkward so I guess that explains a lot!" Soma announced cheerfully

It ticked the young God's Tongue herself as her cheeks puffed "I don't look awkward!"

"You are!" Soma rebutted back while smiling. Asahi smiled at the two.

"So are you not bothered by us being siblings?" The raven haired guy asked Soma, mentally preparing himself for the redhead's answer.

For some reason, Soma tried his hardest not to drop his small smile on his face. As he remembered the reason why he planned all things out.

A tool

Not letting his eyes falter in sadness for a second, he relaxed a bit as his posture changed.

"No, why would I be?" Again, in a nonchalant way. Soma said it naturally.

Erina scanned Soma's golden orbs, to which she found that there were no lies nor frustrations. But she did find an unsettling barrier.

She guessed that barrier might have been from his mother death anniversary. Which was still fresh of a day.

And now that her family is complete, she didn't want to unintentionally let Soma see it that way. Besides, he's the reason why Erina accepted Asahi as his elder brother. She smiled at that thought.

Part of her was relieved that Soma didn't mind it that much, but also there's a small part of her that he'll get defensive considering his encounter with her older half-brother.

Why would she think about Soma getting defensive? Maybe because of the fantasies Alice provided her about, Soma protecting her like a knight would do for a princess.

She cursed Alice for that wonderfully embarrassing of a fantasy.

Her cheeks were starting to redden as she heard Soma speak.

"It seems that you two have something to do, I might as well be going now" The redhead said as he raised his uninjured arm to bid farewell at the two half-siblings.

"Okay I'll see you soon!" Erina blurted out unknowingly. Soma just looked at her amethyst eyes as he chuckled a bit.

"Seriously little sister?" Asahi grinned, amused by his lil sister's action.

"W-what!? There's no hidden meaning behind it!" the princess squealed as Asahi laughed.

"Did I even mention if there was?" The ex-Noir chef grinned mischievously

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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