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Disclaimer: SNS ain't mine

Chapter 4


Last night was a blur, they all fed up with stories and mischief. They even drank eight bottles of 'rice juice'. They were lucky that they are far off any establishments or else they'll be sued with such noise.

That night, before Hayama and Ryo were having a shokugeki and before Erina and Soma are having their moment on the balcony. They were having some serious dance match that Alice was very enthusiastic about.

Erina didn't want to participate to save her from embarrassment, she only knows ballroom dances not freestyle.

But drunk Alice dragged the blonde princess whispering to her that 'boys like Soma likes girls who can dance well, it adds up to performance you know?' the statement alone left the God's tongue redden as steams puffed out of her ears.

As drunk Alice wildly danced on the dance floor, her movements were very chaotic even Ryo hid in shame of his ojou's action. Some were very drunk to encourage the white vixen more and Erina just stood there on the side of Alice struggling to dance. To some point that she looks awkward there which amuses Soma a lot for he is wheezing, his hands clutching on his stomach.

He looks just as drunk as the others. Even though he's not.

And for some reason Megumi won the 'dance contest', who would've known that the innocent looking girl was a beast in dancing, she slayed them moves.

Then next up for their 'activity' was singing and it was fantastic. Marui sang a love song, although drunk, he managed to let that vibrato smoothly articulate. But that was just in his fantasy, in reality his singing was enough to damage one's ears.

Isshiki sang and danced with a ferocious hip thrust. The music was upbeat that everybody danced along with him, minus the hip thrusting, except for Soma, who's brutally hip thrusting along with his nudist senpai.

After many 'contestants' singing in front of their drunken audience it was Hayama who sang it better. Hisako is fangirling so hard in her mind that she can't even maintain her posture so well.

The other teens excuse themselves when Ryo challenged Hayama in Shokugeki and when Erina announced that she's going outside for some fresh air, with then Soma followed by a moment later.

The party ended with a bang when Isshiki took of his apron and looking like an angel in front of them, there were light shining through him and they all collapsed in the floor, bed, and any other surfaces inside Marui's room.

It was 4 in the morning, the dark sky is about to fade as sunrise is near. The morning chill that comes with it is refreshing than usual.

At Polar Star Dorm, Hisako is already awake after she heard hushed noises from the people outside Marui's room.

Her head was throbbing a bit from the aftermath of intense partying. And it throbbed worse when she remembered today was Monday.

She took her phone which was beside her and saw an email regarding about the intels that Erina sent.

The pink haired teen let out a yawn and proceed to wake Alice up, who was sprawling on the floor with a stupid looking grin on her face. Hisako sighed and she gently nudged Alice on the shoulder.

"Lady Alice, wake up we are going home, I have to wake Erina-sama yet too" But Alice didn't budge.

Hisako felt a hand grabbing her shoulder, she turned her head and she was met by Ryo's usual poker face.

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