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"remember when you swore to God
I was the only person who ever got you?"

A day passed by like a blur. He co-members went back to their own places to do their own thing which is why she's left all alone inside her apartment.

But it was fine, really. She with her darling cats with a cup of chamomile tea with her favorite drama on the screen. It kind of makes her think that she'd be a full blown cat lady when time comes. Or maybe she'd just travel the world and make a living out of photo diaries and whatnot since dating is such a taboo in the industry. How else could she land herself a decent husband in the future? Soulmates don't just grow on trees, you know.

Lisa sipped her warm tea as she flipped the pages of the new book Irene had just loaned her. It was quite interesting but she ain't the reading type. She'd either fall asleep halfway in or get really confused about what she has read.

As she was close to dozing off, she heard someone knocking on the door. Who even does that these days? There's a door bell for a reason.

"Can I cash in that deal?" Jungkook—who is currently wearing a pair of board shorts with a white shirt to match, said as he stood there in front of her. He holding a small cooler, a big-ass speaker and a foldable chair.

"Uh... Did your hyungs forget to bring you with them to the beach or something?"

"I need a tan," he simply said and went inside her house making a beeline straight to the balcony.

"A what?!" She blurted out in shock as she closed the door. She slowly turned to face the guy busy setting up his spot by the balcony. "Jeon, are high or something?"

"Come on, Manoban. A deal's a deal. You get to use my hot tub and I get this wonderful view right here," he simply said as he laid down the foldable chair which happens to look like a chaise lounge.

"I have my own tub and you have your own balcony, Jeon," Lisa said with her arms folded. "I don't get why you need to disrupt my peace just so you could get a... a tan. What the actual fuck?"

"Hey, girls shouldn't cuss. That's bad," the guy—now wearing sunglasses, scolded her. "You kiss your mom with that mouth, Manoban?"

"No. Maybe you dad," she sassed while rolling her eyes. "Why the hell are you even getting a tan?"

"Because I want to," he simple answered. The guy looked so relaxed in his position.

"Then why are you wearing a shirt?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. "Who gets a tan with a shirt on?"

Jungkook chuckled before removing his sunglasses and turning towards her.

"Just say you want to see my body, Manoban," the guy said with a smirk. "You don't need to make some elaborate excuse just to see the good stuff."

"Oh please," Lisa scoffed. "I'm sure I've seen far better bodies that yours."

"Really now?" he challenged her as he was about to pull the hem of his shirt up. "Careful, Manoban. You might just eat your words—"

"Whatever!" Lisa immediately turned around. "Do whatever you want! Just don't come crying to me when your color get uneven. We don't want that bon voyage trip to Hawaii to repeat itself..."

"In my defense, Hawaii was a whole different level of hot," Jungkook voice grew louder as he defended himself.

Lisa just shook her head before returning to her usual spot in the living room and resumed reading her book. But not even a minute has passed, she got bored and turned her attention back at the lounging intruder. It was only then she realized that Jeon Jungkook was already topless.

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