• 19 •

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"would you ever take me
'cause my heart is all I carry..."

Lisa woke up due to the sun peaking through the dark curtains. Also, she felt really hot. Is the AC even on?

"What the—"

Her eyes squinted as soon as she realized that she couldn't quite move her arms. Then she turned beside her only to see Jeon Jungkook sleeping peacefully while holding the end of a rope. Also, he had not shirt on and was only wearing his boxers. Iron man this time.

"Jeon Jungkook!" she blurted out immediately waking the boy up. He wasn't easy to wake up so imaging how loud she screamed.

"Wha—what happened?" Jungkook rose up in a hurry at looked around. "Is there a burglar? What—"

"Get me out of this comforter, Jeon!" she screamed again making the latter realize that she was indeed still wrapped up like a burrito. "What the hell?!"

"Oh sorry!" The guy immediately took the rope off around the comforter and released her from her prison. "I must've fallen asleep and forgot to take the rope off when you finally slept."

Her forehead creased as she shot him a glare. And as the comforter fell off, she immediately felt the coldness of the AC thus realizing her was almost naked.

"What the fuck?!" she blurted out. "Did we... did we?!"

"What? No!" Jungkook denied.

"Then why am I naked except for this shirt of yours?!"

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle as he somewhat experienced a sudden surge of deja vu.


"You were drunk, I took you back here and then you started to seduce me."

Lisa's forehead creased as memories of last night suddenly came back to her. She remembered dancing on the table at their dorm but after that, it was all fuzzy.

"So, did I succeed?" she asked eyeing Jungkook's body.

Of course, the boy blushed. "N-No!"

"What? Why not?!"

"Because you passed out."

"Then why am I naked?"

That's when Jungkook's face got even redder.

"You did a strip tease to um... seduce me..."

Lisa's mouth fell wide open.

Wow, Jeon Jungkook. You are a monk.

"D-Don't worry. I didn't do anything to you when you passed out," he instantly defended himself. "I just put that shirt on you and carried you back here. On the bed."

The girl frowned. Too fucking bad. But then, there was something else she's curious about.

"Then why was I wrapped up like a breakfast burrito?!"

"Because you tried to jump on me again so I had to restrain you."

"What? Why? Don't you want to have sex with me?"

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