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"forever can never be
long enough for me..."

Lisa was having her usual cup of tea while watching her current favorite drama. The kids—her cats, are all busy running around the living room chasing Jeon Jungkook.

"Ya Luca! Stop biting my foot—ow! Stop it! Louie! Stop bothering Lily! Ow—Lego!"

Lisa couldn't help herself but chuckle white she gently brushed Leo's fur. Her eldest was always the most behaved one.

"He's handling your siblings better than I thought he would," she whispered at Leo which the cat replied with a soft purr. She chuckled and turned towards the guy who was currently being petty at biting Luca's paws too. "Ya! What are you doing?"

"He bit me so I'm biting him back!"

Luca finally wrestled his way out of Jungkook's clutches and went towards the cat tree they just installed a few hours ago.

"What?" She couldn't help but laugh. "Come here, you little weirdo."

The guy pouted before crawling towards her and sitting on the carpet near her. He rested his chin on her leg—still with an adorable pout on.

"Your cats hate me," he mumbled. "Lily always scratches me, Louie too. Luca always bites me same as Lego and Leo... well, Leo's a good kid. He likes me."

"Leo likes everyone," she commented earning a scowl from the guy.

"Why can't you just give that one to me, huh?"

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Stop being a baby! They all like you, okay? Cats just tend to mind their own business that's why they ignore you."

"And Luca? He bites me all the time!"

"That's how they play, Jeon."

"He hissed at me once."

"Well, Luca doesn't like most people. He only likes Jennie."


"No, Lily's mom."


Again, Lisa chuckled and started to play with Jungkook's hair while he watched the drama she's watching. He had his cheek rest on her thigh.

"Why do you keep re-watching this show?" He asked while his gaze still glued on to the screen. "Didn't you just watch this last week?"

"I really like this show," she simply replied. "Plus, Taehyung oppa's here too."

"I'm surprised you haven't asked hyung for Park Seo Joon's autograph yet."

"Well... about that..."

Jungkook immediately sat up straight and turned towards her. She then pointed at the shelf close to them where all her trophies are displayed.

Instead of the typical one signed picture of Gong Yoo displayed on the center, it was now joined by another signed photo of Park Seo Joon. Both fully framed and all.

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