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"but friends don't know
what they taste..."

Lisa woke up disoriented as she squinted as the sun rays peaking through the dark blue curtains hit her eye. Her hair was all over the place in a tangled mess which she tried to tame while getting up.

"Where am I?" she muttered as her gaze wandered around an unfamiliar room.

It wasn't hers. Nor any of her eonnies'. Not even Bambam's or Yugyeom's. Then she saw herself wearing an unfamiliar white shirt. She even peeked inside only to see let out a relieved sigh seeing as her black undies are still in tact. Was she that wasted last night?

As she was about to move out of the bed, an arm suddenly flew up from the sheets and grabbed her back towards the bed.

"It's too early..." a familiar voice stated. "Five more minutes..."

Lisa's eyes were wide as saucers as she got crushed inside Jungkook's strong, bare, arms. She could very much smell his manly scent as well as the soft floral scent of his shampoo.

She couldn't move. Her mind was still processing everything and trying her t to remember the events that seemed to have gone missing inside her head.

What happened after that 8th soju bottle? Or was it 10th? She knew she got tipsy the moment Chaeyoung was talking in her usual strong Aussie accent but she never did thought she's be deadass drunk that she'd end up sleeping with Jeon Jungkook.

Think, Lisa. Think!

They were talking about comebacks. Chaeyoung complained about having to wait longer that most groups were. Eunwoo arguing that some groups go through the same hiatus as them and not even having gigs outside the music industry. Her feeling a bit guilty of thinking they have it unfair. Bambam interjecting that Blackpink should have more comebacks since they feed the whole company. Her saying it wasn't the case but Chaeyoung completely agreeing with her childhood best friend. Then the rest agreeing with the two.

Lisa tried wiggling out of Jungkook's arms. Being in that position was kind of distracting her but the guy seems to think that she's a fucking pillow and just tightens his grip the more she moved.

He heaved a sigh.

"Ya, Jeon," she tried to wake him up by lightly patting the guy on his cheek. "Wake up."

No response. He didn't even move making her heave a sigh. Again. What should she do to wake him up?

She tried patting his chest—bare chest, and pushing him away slightly. The guy stirred and finally let her go. But the arm she was currently lying on curled up bringin her bck close him. Her hand unintentionally landing on his abdomen.

Wow. That's some nice abs—

"Hyung... what time is it—"

Jungkook slightly opened his eyes and they locked gazes. His eyes shot complete open and she rolled to away almost immediately causing her to fall off the king-sized bed.

"Lisa!" She whispered a curse as she sat up after landing on her face. It was then she also felt a hammering pain on her head. Jungkook was already helping her back up the bed as she slowly massaged her temple. "You okay?"

"I just landed on my face and my head's killing me. What do you think?" she spat and held her head. "Can you turn down your voice, tho? I feel like my head's about to crack open."

"Oh. Wait here."

Jungkook jumped off the bed in a hurry and went out of the room. A few minutes later, he returned with a glass of water and a small container with what seems to be hangover pills.

pillow talk • liskook idol auWhere stories live. Discover now