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It's your friendly author here! (you can call me Crow)
I decided to write this Aralas fic, because most of the ones I've seen are not what I expected, or are very sad. This will be fluffy and maybe a lil bit smutty, but not to much sadness or angst, so this will be a pleasant read, I hope.
This is my first fanfic, and I don't know if it will be very good, because at the point in time that I'm writing this, I only have a small idea of the storyline.

This fic will have some elvish in it, but
I've only just started learning it, so if something is said in elvish, it will look like this.

And inner monolouge will be in bold.

This will be based off of the movies, not the books because I am more familliar with the movies.

I think that's all, so on with the fic!

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