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They talked for a long time, gradually trusting eachother more as time went on. Then after a few minutes of silence, Aragorn asked, "How did you know my fathers name?"

Legolas laughed nervously and replied, truthfully, "There was a battle in Erebor. I couldn't go back to Mirkwood, and my father told me to find you. He said that Arathorn was a good man."

"I'm touched, truly, but why would he want you to meet me?"

"That's what I thought, but now I'm glad that I listned to him."

Aragorn smiled and said, "I'm glad you did too."

------time skip to a few weeks later------

Aragorn had fallen asleep, and Legolas was left awake to take watch. He didn't mind. It was peaceful. He looked over the clearing in which they had made camp, and his eyes lingered on the sleeping man maybe a bit to long. Aragorn slept on his side, with his back to Legolas.

After a while, Aragorn woke up, to Legolas suprise. He still didn't know much about humans, and had assumed that Aragorn would be asleep for at least a few more hours.

Aragorn came to sit next to Legolas by the fire.

"I can take the watch now, you sleep."

"I don't need-"

"I know, but a little rest can always help."

"Look, Aragorn, I really am not tired, I can keep watch."

"And so can I. It'll be fine. You sleep, and I'll keep watch."

Legolas grudgeingly lay down and closed his eyes.

Legolas awoke to the sound of Aragorn shouting his name and a distant rumbling.

When Legolas looked around, he saw Aragorn standing alert, sword drawn. Legolas jumped up, grabbing his bow and whispered to Aragorn, "orcs."

"I know, we must leave."

They ran through the forest, the distant rumble of orcs running growing nearer.

"They are faster than us, they will catch up." Panted Aragorn.

Legolas nodded. He could keep running for days without stopping, but he could see the man starting to struggle.

"There are very many of them," said Legolas, "we are greatly outnumbered."

"We make for the trees. There they will not see us, and if they draw near enough, we could shoot them."

Without further prompting, Legolas and Aragorn scrambled into a tree, and listened. Aragorn was holding on tight to the tree trunk, but Legolas, having grown up in a much wilder forest and being naturally very light, jumped from branch to branch to get a better view of what was happening.

"What do your elf eyes see?" Aragorn asked.

"Where I'm from they're just called eyes." Laughed Legolas, "The orcs are drawing near. Prepare yourself."

They waited in the tree, growing more anxious by the second, until they saw the first orc. They had an unspoken understanding that they would at least try to not reveal their location before attacking.

Unfoutunaley, orcs have an excellent sense of smell, and Legolas heard the lead orc yell something in a tounge neither understood, but the orcs seemed to get excited.

That was the moment he made his move. He nocked an arrow and shot it straight into the lead orcs throat. It fell to the ground and the rest looked enraged, and charged at the tree.

Legolas shot arrows, sometimes two at a time and held off most of the orcs. Aragorn had jumped out of the tree and started slashing at the orcs with his sword. The pair was killing alot of orcs but more kept coming.

Legolas stopped shooting arrows and jumped down next to Aragorn, taking out his dual swords. He stabbed an orc that was about to slash at Aragorn from behind.

Legolas could see that Aragorn was already bleeding in multiple places, but he fought on.

Legolas turned away from Aragorn to take on more orcs when he heard a growling voice saying,

"You touch one more of us and he dies."

Legolas whipped around, and was horrified to see that an orc was holding Aragorn to his chest, dagger dangerously close to his throat.

Legolas froze and lifted his arms, to show he wouldn't do anything.

In that moment he was terrified, mostly for Aragorn. They locked eyes and something passed between them. Something nice.

He was jercked back and roughly thrown to the ground. He felt rough hands tying him up. He looked around desperatley for Aragorn, and saw him being slung over the shoulder of an orc.

Legolas felt seering pain in his head and that was all he remembered.

He awoke on a cold, hard floor, head throbbing with pain. His entire body ached, and he had no idea where he was, or how long he had been unconcious. Without moving, he opened his eyes a crack to see a cell. His bow and swords had been taken from him.

A sudden thought hit him. Where was Aragorn? As if on cue, he heard a cough from behind him.

With all the strength he could muster, he sat up and crawled towards Aragorn.

When Legolas saw the man, he audibly gasped. He had deep wounds in his arm and stomach, but was bleeding in many more places. Legolas took off his cloak and hastily tore is up and bound the worst of Aragorns wounds.

Legolas was not a healer, but being an elf, he did have a natural talent for healing.

Aragorn groaned in pain and his eyelids fluttered. Legolas couldn't help but think about how he looked good, even bleeding to death. No Legolas, he is your friend, and there is no time think about that. He shook his head.

"Legolas?" Groaned the bleeding man, "Legolas are you there?"

"I'm here." Said Legolas reassuringly, putting an arm on Aragorns shoulder, "You'll be ok."

"Of course I will be fine, but where are we?" Aragorn choked out.

"I don't know, and Aragorn, please don't talk, you will injure yourself more."

Aragorn nodded and put his head in Legolas lap. On a normal day this would be strange, but given the circumstances, it was ok.

They sat like that for a while. Legolas upright against the rock wall, and Aragorn on the floor, head in Legolas lap. They were both worrying about what would happen next, but neither said anything.

That was until they heard footsteps coming their way. Orcs. They both watched the barred door attentively as around 50 orcs marched past, none even looking in thier direction.

After a few hours, Legolas felt almost perfect, but Aragorns wounds had only gotten worse. Now he was moaning and whimpering in pain more often than not, and Legolas never left his side. They still had not said anything to each other, but they did not need words at this moment.

Legolas had found a few herbs in his pockets that slowed Aragorns wounds from getting infected to easily, but there was no more that could be done.

Eventually, Aragorn fell into an uneasy sleep. Legolas watched him sleep, and hoped he would stay that way, so that he didn't feel as much of the pain.

Legolas knew he had the think of a way to get out of here, but he just didn't know how. With Aragorn unable to move much, and no weapons their chance of escape was slim. Slim, but not impossible.

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