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"That was a really good idea, to check Audrey's room. Now, we know that we're on the right track." Mal tells Uma as she walks over to Uma and Celia, who are eating cake.

"Is there an insult in there that I missed?" Uma asks as she faces Mal.

"Just...I wanted to thank you." Mal tells Uma with a smile.

"I don't know whose birthday it is, but I want this cake." Uma says as she and Mal sit across from each other, eating Jane's cake.

"So, Maybe I kind of missed the boat a little bit on calling you Shrimpy and not letting you join the gang." Mal explains to Uma.

"Yeah. We really could've torn up the Isle together." Uma says with a smile. Mal uses her finger to get some icing before it making Uma giggle. Boards then start covering all of the windows and doors.

"Celia!" Uma calls as Mal and Uma stand up and hold onto each other.

"We're trapped!" Celia calls before running over to them.

"Are you guys okay? What's going on?" Evie asks as she, Elena, and Doug run into the room.

"You've caused my friends pain and fear. We've had enough, now disappear!" Mal chants as her eyes turn green but nothing happens. "You guys, I'm sorry. My spells aren't working. Audrey's magic is getting stronger." Uma grabs Elena's arm as her necklace starts glowing. Elena grabs Mal's arm to show her, as this is happening Elena felt some sort of energy filling her body.

"You've caused our friends pain and fear. We've had enough, now disappear!" Uma, Elena, and Mal chant together as they hold hands, with Elena's eyes flashing blue. All of the boards fall off of the windows and doors.

"You did it!" Celia cheers.

"Together. This is what Elena and I've been talking about." Evie adds.

"I guess my shell likes you." Uma says making Mal laugh. Uma then pulls out the ember out of her necklace. "Why don't you hold onto that?" Uma hands the ember to Mal before they fist bump. Celia then runs over to the door and looks out.

"Hey, it's your bae." Celia tells Mal as she turns around making Mal gasp and run for the door.

"Ben!" Mal calls making Ben quickly hug her.

"Are you okay?" Ben asks her.

"Yeah. I'm so much better right now. Are you okay?" Mal asks as she steps back and actually takes him in.

"Yeah." Ben answers her before turning to Uma who is hugging Harry and Gil. "I always knew you'd be part of the solution."

"I'm glad you're okay." Elena says to Harry, who looks at her. They share a quick hug before smiling at each other.

"What is this?" Mal asks as she messes with Ben's beard.

"Oh yeah." Ben says as she shows it off.

"I could get used to this." Mal says with a smile.

"You like it?" Ben asks her.

"I love this." Mal answers him.

"What about those?" Uma asks as she walks over and motions about his fangs.

"No." Mal says as Ben smiles.

"I like them." Ben tells her making Mal smile and roll her eyes playfully. She really loves Ben, no matter how he looks.

"Okay, so, we all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage. We have no idea where it is. Did she ever take you there?" Mal explains to Ben.

"Every Fairy Godmother's Day." Ben answers her before turning to Jane. "Where is Fairy Godmother when you need her?"

"I wish I knew." Jane answers him.

"Doug! Go with Jane. We need to find Fairy Godmother." Ben orders.

"They might need some muscle." Uma tells Ben as she walks over.

"Hey." Doug says offended while Gil looks at his own muscles.

"Well, I'll go." Gil offers making Mal smile.

"Yeah, actually, I would feel better." Carlos says as he hugs Jane.

"Yeah, actually, I'd feel better." Evie agrees.

"Same." Mal says as she stands beside Evie.

"Actually, I would, too." Doug says finally.

"All right, man. Let's do it. Let's go, Jane." Gil says excitedly.

"Be careful, okay?" Carlos tells Jane.

"I will." Jane says as they hug again. Gil, Doug, and Jane leave to find Fairy Godmother. Mal walks over to Ben, holding his hand as she leans her head on his shoulder as they watch their friends leave.


Hey guys!! Another chapter done and only about 4 chapters left with 2 extra chapters!! Can't believe this book is almost done!! But don't worry more stories are coming soon!!

Btw, I'll be starting my Marvel story soon! It's Tony Stark's daughter and we'll be coming out in a week or so. I'll keep you all updated. Anyways, hope you all have a great day/afternoon/night! Love you all! Bye!!


𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (𝙰𝚄𝙳𝚁𝙴𝚈 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈)Where stories live. Discover now