Its Going Down

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"I'll get the swords." Jay tells Lonnie as he gets out the car.

"Okay." Lonnie says before heading over to Mal, Elena, and Evie.

"Oh, Lonnie!" Elena says in shock before they hug.

"I made them bring me." Lonnie explains.

"Oh, I'm so glad." Mal says as Lonnie and Evie hug.

"Hi. Welcome to the Isle. It's good to see you." Evie tells her.

"Thanks." Lonnie says as she hugs Mal.

"And Dude." Jay says as he grabs the swords from the trunk.

"I told you to stay." Carlos says.

"I flunked obedience class." Dude tells him.

"Great. And he can still talk." Jay says.

"You're lucky I love you. Come on." Carlos says as he picks up Dude.

"Ooh. Here, let me see." Mal says as Carlos walks over with the wand before handing it to her. "Wow, what a beauty."

"It's noon." Jay tells her.

"All right. Are we ready?" Mal asks.

"Yeah." Evie says as she holds up the bag with the smoke bombs.

"Let's do this." Elena says before Mal leads them into the tunnel.


"Hey guys! They're here!" Gil calls out from the crow's nest before climbing down.

"Welcome!" Harry calls as he pushes Ben forward.

"Finally!" Uma says with an excited laugh. Mal stands across from Uma, on either sides of the wall way. Carlos, Elena, and Evie stand on the walkway behind Mal with Lonnie and Jay on the walkway above Carlos, Elena, and Evie.

"Let's get this party started

I swear I'm cold hearted

There's no negotiation

I'm not here for debatin'

You need some motivation?

Just look at Ben's face, then ask yourself

How long you think I'll remain patient

I'll throw him overboard

And let him swim with killer sharks

You either hand over the wand, or he'll be ripped apart." Uma sings as Harry walks Ben out onto the plank.

"Now let's all just be smart

Although for you, that must be hard

You'll get your wand

No one has to come to any harm

Don't try to intimidate

Your bark is much worse than your bite

Who's the baddest of them all?

I guess we're finding out tonight." Mal sings as she glares Uma.

"Let's go, bring it on

Better give us what we want

It's the wand for the crown

If you don't, it's going down." Uma and her crew sing as they dance.

𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (𝙰𝚄𝙳𝚁𝙴𝚈 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈)Where stories live. Discover now