Counting Down To Cotillon

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A/N: Before this starts, I just want to say thank you all so much for over 1k views on this!! It means so much to me that you like this story! I love you all and on to the story!


"Hi, Jay. Hey. Jay. Hey. Hey what's up?" Girls say as the VKs walk past them.

"Hi." Jay says to all of them.

"Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already." Carlos tells him.

"I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them." Jay says with a smirk on his face.

"Ah! You're the expert." Carlos says.

"Um, Jay... if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?" Carlos asks Jay.

"Listen, all you got to do... is look like me." Jay tells him which makes Elena roll her eyes and look at him, like really.

"Oh, ha-ha." Carlos says.

"Mal." Jane calls as she walks over.

"Hey Jane." Carlos says a little nervous.

"Hey." Jane says smiling.

"I was wondering...uh... if you liked the.... carrot cake last night." Carlos asks stuttering.

"I had the pumpkin pie." Jane says.

"Oh, cool. Um, uh.." Carlos starts saying.

"Smooth." Jay says as he pulls away Carlos, making Mal, Evie, and Elena smile.

"We have an opening for a fitting at 3:00. Who wants it?" Evie says as Lonnie walks over to her.

"Me!" Lonnie says quick, before she turns over to Jane. "Sorry."

"Perfect. We'll take you later." Elena says to Jane before her and Evie walk away with Lonnie.

"Mal?" Jane says to her.

"Yes?" Mal asks.

"I hate to keep bugging you two, but the decorating committee needs more answers. So, as much as I hate to, um... you know, um..." Jane starts.

"Bug me?" Mal asks.

"Right." Jane says.

"Yeah, Jane, I would love to. I just have to get to class." Mal says as she tries walking away, but Jane stops her. Elena walks over to see if she can help Mal.

"You know, just nod if you like it." Jane tells her.

"Okay." Mal says sighing.

"Chair swags. Entry banner. Twinkle lights. Napkin design. Table bunting. And you still haven't picked the party favors yet." Jane says as Mal nods.

"Honestly, Jane, whatever you think--" Mal tries saying.

"I mean, we can do chains, key charms, pen toppers. I kind of love the pen toppers, but, I mean, we can do all three." Jane starts saying making Mal stress. Mal's eyes then start to flash green.

"I say pen toppers." Elena says letting Mal take a deep breath.

"Yeah?" Jane asks.

"Yeah." Mal answers with a smile on her face.

"You won't regret it." Jane says excited.

"Okay." Mal says giggling a bit as Lonnie and Evie walk over.

"I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like!" Lonnie says, which obviously Mal isn't paying attention.

"Me too." Mal says before realizing what she said. "Wait! What?!"

"The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged." Jane explains with a smile.

"I knew it!" Evie says excitedly as Elena tries to not let out a scream.

"Well everyone knows it." Lonnie says thinking it was obvious.

"I didn't know it!" Mal says as she panics. "How come nobody told me that? Is my entire life just planned out in front of me--"

"Hi Mal." Ben says as he wraps an arm around her waist.

"Hi Ben." Evie, Elena, Lonnie, and Jane all say sweetly. Mal sends them a glare before Evie, Elena, and Lonnie walk off.


Elena finished cheer practice with the girls and they all went to balcony above the fencing team.

"All right, boys. Let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me." Jay orders while walking to the fencing team. "Let's go. Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En garde." The boys then line up listening to Jay's orders. "Keep your center!" Jay gets Carlos in the middle of the other guys. "Eyes on your opponent! Up and over." Carlos jumps over Jay, before Jay goes to disarm Chad. Another person then attacks Jay. Jay takes off his mask and faces his opponent.

"Get him, Jay! Watch out, Jay. Nice!" Carlos cheers as the team watches Jay and his opponent fight back and forth. Jay's opponent then steals Jay's sword causing Jay to dodge. Jay then kicks the sword out of his opponent's hand before catching it. Jay's opponent then takes their mask off to reveal Lonnie.

"It's Lonnie!" Elena cheers from on top of the balcony.

"Not bad." Jay says to Lonnie.

"You should put me on the team." Lonnie says and Jay looks at her like he might consider it.

"Hey w-what?!" Chad says rushing over. "No, no, no. We'll-- We'll be the laughing stock of the league. A-And what's gonna happen next? We'll have girls playing tourney? Come on, guys." Elena rolls her eyes at Chad saying this.

"So?" Jay asks confused.

"So? Uh, so, have you not read the rule book?" Chad says pulling out a book. "Section 2, paragraph 3, 11-4. 'A team will be comprised of a captain and eight men.' Hmm? Why don't you read the rule book?" Chad shows the book to Lonnie before waving at everyone else.

"Okay, yeah, but you're down a man! I mean, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff." Lonnie says.

"Exactly we're down a man." Chad tells her.

"Jay." Lonnie tries.

"I'm sorry. Coach trusts me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rule book." Jay explains, making Elena form a frown on her face.

"If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war." Lonnie says to him.

"Okay." Chad says not caring, before Lonnie walks off. "Rule book. Rule book."

"Alright guys. Practice is over, let's go." Jay says as everyone starts leaving.


I tried to fit Elena in this as much as I can so...yeah.

𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (𝙰𝚄𝙳𝚁𝙴𝚈 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈)Where stories live. Discover now