PT5: Tarnished

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WARNINGS: description of fights and blood, based off of the end of episode 4 of tfatws

After Y/N, Sam and Bucky found out that Zemo had escaped, they left to look for new leads

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After Y/N, Sam and Bucky found out that Zemo had escaped, they left to look for new leads. They changed into their suits and began to look around the streets. As they were walking down the road, Sam got a call. After a minute, Sam hung up and put his phone away.

"What happened?" Bucky asked without missing a beat.

"Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews."

"Jesus" Y/N breathed out.

"Karli wants to meet. She left a contact number."

Sam's phone binged with a messaged from Karli. She wanted to meet Sam. But alone. "She said come alone."

"I'm coming with you."

"Me too" chimed in Y/N.

Once they arrived, Sam saw her stood on the second floor, looking down at them. "You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?"

"Sam, I would never hurt her. I wanted to understand you better. I see you, um, didn't come alone." Karli spoke as she looked over at Y/N and Bucky who were stood behind Sam.

"You have to end this now."

"I don't want to hurt you. You're just a tool in the regimes I want to destroy. Youre not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless." Y/N scoffed loudly at her comment. Bucky stared down at her, signalling for her to stop. Except this time she didn't.

"How kind of you, Karli. To spare our poor, meaningless lives. However can we repay you?" Y/N sarcastically spat, putting on a mock grateful tone.

"I was gonna ask you to join me." To which Y/N just laughed.

"You've killed innocents. I get that you have the right meaning behind this, but your actions are that of a terrorist. The moment you first killed someone; you were no longer this revolutionary activist. You became just another terrorist." Y/N spat at her, her words like knifes, puncturing her mightiness. Bucky placed his hand on her shoulder and stood in front of her to block her from Karli.

"That's enough." He said simply. Y/N closed her eyes and tensed her jaw for a second before she opened her eyes and took a breath. She looked up at Bucky and nodded, signalling him to move back to where he was.

Sharon's voice was heard over the comms, "Hey Sam, new Cap is moving, looks like he's found them, or maybe they found him." Sam looked back at Y/N and Bucky to which they nodded before jumping through the arch onto the ground, beginning to run to Walker.

Once they arrived, there were multiple Flag Smashers in the building. Bucky pointed to the right signalling Y/N to go that way before he went to the left. She stalked through the corridors silently, her gun held up in front of her as she looked into each room, exactly like Nat used to. She turned around quickly and came head to head with a Flag Smasher. He swung his arm into a punch which she blocked quickly, throwing a left-handed punch to the face of the Flag Smasher. She kicked him in the chest once before kicking his legs out from under him again. She looked down at the Flag Smasher and felt an arm on her shoulder, pulling her around before punching her square in her face. She fell to the ground, her vision blurred slightly. She could make out the Flag Smasher's body moving towards her to punch her again. She couldn't get up off of the floor. She looked to her left and saw a large metal food trolley. Thank god the building used to be a hospital for the refugees after the snap. She opened her hand towards the trolley and slowly bent and contorted her fingers. A purple glow radiated through the metal as it moved apart from the previous structure. The Flag Smasher went to punch her face again, but his fist was blocked by a thick sheet of metal that covered Y/N's body. The man retrieved his fist from the metal before cocking his head to the side to look at her. She pushed the metal sheet off of her and into the Flag Smasher. She kicked him in the chest again before taking out her throwing stars and throwing them into his leg and then turning and throwing another into the other Flag Smasher who was just standing back up. She then touched the bracelet on her wrist which sent an electric current into the stars, knocking them out. She let out a long sigh. "I don't get payed enough." She jogged off into the other rooms.

She arrived in a large room, seeing Sam and Bucky stood next to each other, and Walker a few paces away from them. Then the fight broke out. It mixed into a blur. Y/N morphed metal into throwing stars and threw them through the air quickly, hitting some of the Flag Smashers. She reached for her knife and engaged two Flag Smashers in hand to hand combat. Just as she threw the knife into the man's leg, she saw Karli run at Walker, she moved to stop her, but before she could, Lemar ran at her and tackled her to the side. Just in that moment, Karli snapped. She lifted her arm and threw a hard punch straight into his chest, sending him backwards flying. His body was stopped by the concrete pillar on the edge of the room. A loud crack silenced the room, no one being able to differentiate it from the concrete or Lemar. Sam and Bucky turned to look where Y/N was already looking. She couldn't move. Walker ran over to Lemar, trying to wake him, but his limp body signalled something much worse. Karli and the other Flag Smasher split apart and ran away. Y/N, Bucky and Sam stuck together and followed after some of them. Walker took a different route.

Just as they turned around the corner, they saw a large group of people stood watching someone. The man in blue and red. The man with the shield. He raised it in the air and forced it down, meeting the mans body. He thrusted it down over and over again. His face clouded with anger. Y/N, Sam and Bucky stopped as they watched; there was nothing they could do. It was clear he was gone the moment the shield collided with him. A tear escaped Y/N's eye as she stood and stared at the actions of Walker. Anger poured through her veins. The last symbol of Steve coated in crimson blood. The lamp posts along the street began to shake, a purple glow emitting from them. They began to bend and contort as Y/N's face flashed slightly from her own to Steve's and then back to hers. Bucky looked at her, paralysed with shock, both from Walker and now the image of his friend. He reached up and touched her cheek slowly, and her eyes flickered up to his. As soon as his hand touched her skin, her face stopped changing and it was just Y/N now. Bucky gave her a small nod to which she blinked back in reply. They turned to look back at the man in front of them.

Captain America just killed someone with the Shield.

And the whole world was watching.


This one felt shorter than usual, although it was basically part two to the last part. It is based off of the end of the  fourth episode of tfatws. Please leave any of your feed back :) 

Word Count: 1205

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