Part 7

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His foot was floating in the air. Mabel was shouting. His heart was pounding. Until he felt a tap on his back. Lil Gideon slowly turned around and behind him was a sight to see. How could this be? Someone taller than him. It was dipper. Mabel's twin brother. They really are alpha twins.Gideon's heart sank, his eyes wide open like a babies. He was cowering below tall dipper. Then it happened so fast. He was taken away. Exiled from the town he made. He turned to gold. Gideon sat in Exile for years and years, while tall dipper ruled. He shrunk over time. Foot by foot. His skin was shriveling like a raisin in the sun, his body was curling like a dead flower, falling slowly out of its vase. He was nothing.

Lil Gideon wanted to die. He hoped that Dipper would forget to bring his food or water one of these days, but it never happened. Dipper wanted Gideon to be tortured with the curse of living. And, when his food and water arrived he ate it. As much as he wanted to die he couldn't do it to himself.

One day, Dipper visited Gideon in his exile. It was early in the morning. He took him to a cliff, the waves of the sea bouncing on it's edge. Droplets of salty water made Gideon flinch. His eyes filled with salt water. But not from the sea. His tears trickled down his face. It was dawn. The sun was rising. Purple, yellow, red watercolors painted the sky. It was beautiful. And he knew it was his last moment seeing such beauty. Standing there Gideon felt something he never had before. He felt pure, he felt forgived. He felt whole. He was ready and he knew exactly what Dipper was going to do. He truly was like Theseus, but he did not hope that he would have the same end as him. Only his reign. But, everything Gideon has done felt like an albatross around his neck. He was ready for it to be over. Ready for the albatross he shot to fly away. With his eyes closed, a single tear flooding down his cheek, Dipper casted Gideon off into the sea. 

The End

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