Part 5

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Aoikami sat up, her blue hair cascading over the side of the small bed, and looked around. This was weird. It seemed like she had magically transported herself to a creepy old castle. The floor was rubble, except for three stones leading to a twisted metal gate. It seems I've become a hostage.

She looked down at her dress and almost gagged. This is not proper hostage attire. Plus, Aoikami thought, shivering, It's too cold here to wear a picnicking dress. The princess stood up, placing her slippered feet on the stone floor.

She jerked them back up instantly. Definitely too cold, but I must do it. For my own sanity. She got off the bed and hopped from one stone to another toward the door. Aoikami poked it, studying.

Grabbing two bars, she pulled upward. The door slid cleanly into the ceiling. As she wandered through the abandoned halls, she wondered where she was. Perhaps this is the demon castle. That would make the most sense.

Aoikami opened a door, revealing a room with a glass dome making up the roof and three of the walls. The dome stopped when it met the wall that the door was on. A couch sat in the middle of the room, but what really caught her attention was the racks of furred clothing against the wall. There were coats of every color, shape, and size. The princess grinned and took out the pair of scissors she always kept on her person.

She gathered all the quality material into a pile and began cutting, discarding the cloth she didn't use. Aoikami also pulled out the magical sewing needle she had bought on her last trip to Endopolis. Several minutes later, she had created a kimono-like dress to wear during her stay. It had a flowing blue skirt and long sleeves. An obi was wrapped around her waist, complemented by a pink ribbon.

Aoikami tied her hair back with matching ribbons in a braid, completing the look. She stood up and decided to go back to her cell to await rescue, at least until she needed a new outfit.

Wide-awake Princess in the Demon CastleWhere stories live. Discover now