Part 1

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"I'll open this meeting by congratulating Neo Alraune on successfully stalling the hero on his quest to rescue the princess and defeating me," the Demon King announced. Around him, his remaining generals clapped for the only woman in the room. He waved for their attention and the clapping died away. Twilight folded his fingers, "As you know, we abducted the princess Syalis of Goodreste 5 years ago. Since then the hero has been wandering around the continent looking for his princess.

"Recently, he wandered into the human kingdom of Kaiyō. Dawner has requested the hero of that nation, Kajiro to assist him in his quest". The Demon King turned to his generals, "Kajiro is far more powerful than Dawner, so the question is... How do we deal with him?" Alraune grabbed something from beneath her seat. She slammed a thick book called Royal Families on the table.

"I've been doing some reading..." She started but was interrupted when the other generals groaned.

"We are not abducting another princess. The one we have caused enough trouble," the Great Red Siberian told her, matter of factly.

"But you didn't even listen to my idea!" she protested, "We wouldn't be keeping her here!"

"Then where would we keep her?" the Demon King asked her.

"The former Demon Castle," she answered simply. The generals were shocked at the idea. Twilight coughed.

"You think we should leave a princess in the care of Hades?" he asked Alraune, "Have you even asked him?" Alraune smiled.

"Hades will agree to my plan and this is also a way to keep him out of Twilight's hair for a while. The question is, do you?" she asked the five men. They hesitated.

"I agree that the Demon King will have trouble taking on this new hero in addition to Dawner and his team," the Demon Cleric said to her, "I'm not sure if Hades will agree, but you have the best chance of convincing him". He stood and looked at the rest of the top demons. "I think we can all agree on that". The Demon King sighed and stood up.

"So, Alraune will contact Hades so he can kidnap... um," he turns to Alraune, "Who is he kidnapping?" he asked her.

"The princess's name is Aoikami."

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