Part 4

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Hecate walked along the white washed bridge, smoldering with rage. In front of her walked Princess Aoikami, her blue hair rippling in the slight breeze. She wasn't angry at the princess herself, just at all of humankind. Hecate was a demon and that meant she was at war with these frivolous humans. The human kingdom of Kaiyō was at war, and yet they still found time for their fancy little tea parties.

Since Hecate had arrived six years ago, they had hosted no less than seventeen balls, while the demons cowered at their flimsy militaries. But no more! After the Demon King's representative kidnapped the princess, the kingdom will have to go to war. No more of those frivolous parties! I'll finally be able to go home. She smiled at the thought.

It had been years since Hecate saw her homeland with its rolling green swamps, her brother, and her best friend, Alraune. I wonder if she's still dating What's-his-name? Hellion? A melodious voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Yolena, do we have anything else to do today?" the princess asked her. Hecate looked up at the blue-eyed princess. Aoikami was wearing a white and blue halter top with gold trim and buttons, her arms covered by white arm warmers with blue threads crisscrossing them and gold trim, making the arm warmers match her dress. Hecate was inwardly gagging at the sight of the bows on the back of the piece and in the girl's hair when she realized she hadn't answered the enemy princess's question.

"No, your highness. Your schedule is completely free for the rest of the day," Hecate told Aoikami politely. The princess sent a dazzling smile at her fake monk bodyguard.

"Well then," she declared, placing her hands on her hips, "I want to go berry hunting". Aoikami's handmaiden rushed forward, handing her and Hecate baskets and wrapping a royal blue cape on the princess's shoulders. They were escorted with much ceremony out of the castle and left at the edge of the sunlight woods. Aoikami skipped merrily into the forest, her maid and Hecate following behind. They followed the path, sometimes stepping off to grab a berry or two from nearby bushes.

A rock flew over the path, hitting a nearby tree. They stared at the tree, wondering what had just happened. Aoikami collapsed, her maid rushing to her side. Hecate didn't make a move. The princess was prone to falling asleep at random points in the day.

She turned, bending down to grab the princess's fallen basket but stopped when she heard a small cry of pain from the maid. Hecate spun around, confronting a tall, cloaked figure. She relaxed.

"I assume you are the Demon King's representative," she told him. Under his shadowy cloak, his mouth twisted into a scowl.

"I don't serve him," the demon growled, "I am indebted to one of his associates". Hecate nodded, then bent over the princess, taking off the girl's jewelry.

"What is the purpose of that?" he asked her, confused. She looked up at him.

"The queen had tracking spells put on all of the princess's jewelry," Hecate explained. He nodded, crouching down to help her. A breeze flowed through the woods, knocking back the demon's hood, revealing white hair and red markings near his eyes. Hades froze, apparently worried that his identity had been revealed. But Hecate turned away, not recognizing the Demon King's biggest competition for the throne.

He relaxed and pulled off the princess's last piece of jewelry, a delicate blue and gold ring in the shape of the "Kill the Demons" symbol. He placed it in a basket with the rest of the jewelry and whistled.

"This will probably make it easier to hide her location. My subordinates will spread the jewelry around the country and confuse the humans," he told the demonic spy.

"Hmm, that's a good idea," she commented, "Though, you might just want it to be floating around the continent. We might need it later". He nodded and picked up the basket, summoning a floating casket to carry the unconscious princess. Her blue hair was hard to maneuver due to its volume.

She floated after him as Hades summoned a portal and left. Hecate smiled, her work done. The demon girl reached up and pinched the back of her neck, the world going black.

Wide-awake Princess in the Demon CastleWhere stories live. Discover now